Warm Up If you haven't done the lab with the slinky then no warm up. Otherwise... 1. Draw a graph of a standing wave with amplitude vs. position. Label its amplitude and wavelength.
Waves A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy from a source.
Wave Properties The Medium is what the wave is traveling through. Energy moves but the particles of the medium that the wave is traveling through do not. Amplitude: height of a wave, shows how much energy is being transmitted, can be measured in m or EM Field. Frequency: Measured in hertz (1/s), number of wave disturbances per second Velocity: speed at which the wave transmits energy, measured in m/s Wavelength: Distance between peaks of a wave, measured in m.
Types of Waves Transverse wave: Amplitude (disturbance) is perpendicular to direction of propagation (motion) Compression (Longitudinal) Wave: Disturbance is in the direction of propagation.
Adding Waves Superposition: When two waves pass each other they each continue moving in the direction they were coming from, but where they meet their amplitudes add up.
Standing Waves Standing Wave: Wave where there are points which remain stationary, has a whole or half number of wavelengths over the length of the medium Node: Location where the wave constantly has 0 amplitude Anti-node: Point on a wave where there is maximum amplitude.
Miscellaneous Wave Pulse: Single burst of energy from a source rather than a continuing emission. Reflection: When waves reach a barrier they reflect. If the wave hits a fixed barrier it reflects back with negative amplitude. If the barrier allows the end of the wave to move then the wave is reflected back with a positive amplitude (same side it came in on). If the wave changes mediums then part of the wave will continue past the intersection and part will be reflected back the way it came. The reflected part will be right side up if going into a medium with a lower velocity, otherwise it will be inverted.
Assignment Read chapter 14 and summarize each section (with a blue or red header) in as short a statement as possible. After that take your section summaries and make a one paragraph super-summary. This paragraph should be as concise as possible. ** This summary is due at the end of class**
Homework Pg 344 (2-4, 6, 11, 12, 25-27, even)