As you come in, please sit in triads that consist of a mix of 300G and 302 students. Find people with whom you have not worked with in the past. Re-introduce yourselves, if you need.
TLPI—2/19/07 Triad Share Quoc Tran’s presentation Quoc Tran’s presentation Observations experiences/teaching experiences Observations experiences/teaching experiences Nuts and Bolts Writing assignments Writing assignments Planning ahead for next class Planning ahead for next class White Privilege Quiz Lesson planning activity Brown bag lesson plan Brown bag lesson plan CTS lesson plan in your discipline CTS lesson plan in your discipline Standards Talk Show – 7:00 PM
Triad Share in self-assembled 300G/302 groups Quoc Tran Question What are 2 specific insights you gained from Quoc’s presentation that you will take into the classroom? Observation/Teaching Question Share 2 examples of social justice at work in your classroom or in the classroom(s) you observed. Think about the categories from last class.
Nuts and Bolts Writing assignments –R1, R2 (only if needed), FINAL versions done by 3/5 Mission Statement Mission Statement Professional Goals Professional Goals Letter of Introduction Letter of Introduction Parent Partnership Plan Parent Partnership Plan Ethnographic Narrative, Part I Ethnographic Narrative, Part I In order to be prepared for next class... –Bring California content standards (hard copy or electronic access) –Bring your laptop – can start assignment in class –Think about the major themes in your discipline –Brainstorm possible topics, linked to major themes, for thematic unit –Come to class on 2/26 with several ideas for thematic topic and some resources (web sites, textbooks, etc.)
First Steps in Lesson Planning Activity and Extension Using the template provided in their readings (p. 53), students will –Gain practice writing objectives –Create a practice lesson plan, with assistance from the instructor and their triad –Assess their lesson plans based on the resulting sandwich –Enjoy the sandwich! Choose one California standard in your discipline and brainstorm the beginning of a lesson plan to teach that standard
Due next week... Revisions on major writing assignments The start of a 5-step practice lesson plan based on a CA standard in your discipline—to exchange and critique next week. Do as much as you can... Double entry journals (or alternatives) of the 4 readings –Word-processed = OK, actually GOOD! Start brainstorming and researching the topic for your thematic unit. Choose a major theme in your discipline (e.g., change over time, systems, interactions, structure/function, measurement, proportional relationships/graphing, proofs, polynomial functions) Make standards-aligned choices for the development level/grade you are teaching/plan to teach. Bring several possible ideas to class on 2/26.