ITER- TBM Planning and Costing Activity DCLL TBM Mechanical Design ( ) & TBM-Port Interface ( ) Presented by Mo Dagher December
DCLL TBM Mechanical Design Effort and TBM/Port Interface Costing Summary Title I Mechanical design, Title I This WBS transitions the TBM design effort from a conceptual design activity to a Preliminary design activity. Under this WBS, the TBM design parameters are set based on input from design requirements, various analytical results as well as R&D studies. TBM Design models are generated and Form Fit and Function studies are performed to insure design compatibility and effectiveness. At the conclusion of this effort, the TBM design will be at an advanced stage with final design parameters and system interfaces well defined. The TBM design should be ready to move to the next level of design effort under Title II TBM interface Title I This WBS will focus on defining all the interfaces of the TBM assembly. This assembly includes the DCLL test module, Shielding, Frame, VV port plug and the interconnections, including supports, piping and wiring. Preliminary shield and frame design will be performed under this WBS, as well as efforts supporting the system integration WBS. Joint Design efforts between the port sharing parties to resolve any design conflicts related to the frame interface and the final Port Plug Assembly. Design models and interface documents will be completed under this WBS in support of the transition to the Title II effort.
Mechanical design Title II This WBS is a continuation of the preliminary design effort performed under Title I and a transition to the detail design effort of the TBM. The detail design of the TBM will include design models of all the components of the TBM. Final Form and Fit studies are performed and detailed engineering drawings of components and assemblies are generated in preparation for fabrication. Develop assembly procedures for the TBM assembly. Generate detailed drawings and simulations showing the TBM assembly sequence TBM interface Title II This WBS is the continuation of the Title I effort and transition to the detailed design of the Port Plug assembly and its components including the shielding and the frame. Components and system interface definitions are detailed and finalized. Joint design efforts between the port sharing parties to finalize common components design. Generate Design Models and detailed engineering drawings of the Port Plug assembly and all associated components in preparation for fabrication and assembly. Develop Port Plug Assembly procedures and generate engineering drawings of the Port Plug assembly along with all interface documentation. DCLL TBM Mechanical Design Effort and TBM/Port Interface Costing Summary Title I
Mechanical design Title III DagherThis WBS will cover all engineering effort to support production of the TBM assembly. Efforts include manufacturing support to resolve fabrication issues. Perform design changes as needed in support of fabrication and assembly. Interface with the various analysis groups to get design change approval and insure design compatibility with original design intent. Generate and track design change orders TBM interface Title III DagherThis WBS will cover the final assembly efforts of the TBM with the frame and the shielding as well the VV plug to produce the final Port Plug Assembly. Also provide design support efforts for the shielding and frame fabrication and review and implement design changes as needed during fabrication and assembly. DCLL TBM Mechanical Design Effort and TBM/Port Interface Costing Summary Title I
WBS TOTAL ,750122,364 $ 227, , , ,893 $ 2,047, ,310150,728154,800 $ 588, ,975 74,475 $ 115, ,780109, ,748 $ 541, ,655140,728144,800 $ 422,183 Totals145, , ,660964,323995,640419,965291,455299,600 $ 4,264,207 FTE DCLL TBM Mechanical Design Effort and TBM/Port Interface Costing Summary