Wrexham’s Food Hygiene Star Rating System Neil Underwood Wrexham County Borough Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Wrexham’s Food Hygiene Star Rating System Neil Underwood Wrexham County Borough Council

Food Hygiene Star Rating Why did we consider it? Why did we consider it? Freedom of Information Desire to drive up standards Becoming more widespread throughout the country

Food Hygiene Star Rating How do we do it? How do we do it? External consultant (costs money) External consultant (costs money) In-house IT department In-house IT department What system of rating do we choose ? What system of rating do we choose ? Stars, tulips, H’s Look at other Local Authority websites Consider web site design

Food Hygiene Star Rating Scoring system Scoring system Based on the score given to the premises following an inspection looking at the following parameters: Hygiene Structure Confidence in Management

Food Hygiene Star Rating In Wrexham, we decided to tie the star rating scheme in with the already established Welsh Food Hygiene Award In Wrexham, we decided to tie the star rating scheme in with the already established Welsh Food Hygiene Award Gold Award – 5 stars Gold Award – 5 stars Silver Award – 4 stars Silver Award – 4 stars Bronze Award – 3 stars Bronze Award – 3 stars Premises may also score 2 stars, 1 star or no stars Premises may also score 2 stars, 1 star or no stars This scoring scheme may differ from other parts of the country – may be a problem with consistency. This scoring scheme may differ from other parts of the country – may be a problem with consistency.

Food Hygiene Star Rating Businesses were informed of our proposal before we went ‘live’ Businesses were informed of our proposal before we went ‘live’ Food Safety newsletter Food Safety newsletter During inspections in the lead up to the launch During inspections in the lead up to the launch Not a great deal of response from businesses Not a great deal of response from businesses

Food Hygiene Star Rating Some things we had to consider Some things we had to consider How many premises to go ‘live’ with? How many premises to go ‘live’ with? How often to update the web page? How often to update the web page? Whether to include every premises? Whether to include every premises?

Food Hygiene Star Rating The Launch The Launch Official launch took place at ‘The Acton’ public house, a ‘5 star’ premises Official launch took place at ‘The Acton’ public house, a ‘5 star’ premises Press Office had contacted local radio and newspapers Press Office had contacted local radio and newspapers Leader of the Council present Leader of the Council present Publicity included photographs, newspaper reports and radio interviews Publicity included photographs, newspaper reports and radio interviews

Food Hygiene Star Rating Unfortunately, the local press telephoned all those premises with ‘no stars’ to ask them what they thought of the scheme! Unfortunately, the local press telephoned all those premises with ‘no stars’ to ask them what they thought of the scheme! Those premises that had not scored well were furious Those premises that had not scored well were furious We were asked to go and re-inspect some premises immediately, in order that they might improve their rating (we did not do so) We were asked to go and re-inspect some premises immediately, in order that they might improve their rating (we did not do so)

Food Hygiene Star Rating Early impact Early impact After the launch the scheme was advertised on the Council’s ‘Home’ page After the launch the scheme was advertised on the Council’s ‘Home’ page The site received a lot of hits in the first couple of months The site received a lot of hits in the first couple of months It was in the ‘Top 10’ of Council web pages visited It was in the ‘Top 10’ of Council web pages visited Not well received by those businesses scoring poorly Not well received by those businesses scoring poorly

Food Hygiene Star Rating Impact on businesses Impact on businesses A sudden interest in results of hygiene inspections A sudden interest in results of hygiene inspections A desire to improve their star rating A desire to improve their star rating A greater interest in food hygiene training A greater interest in food hygiene training Some felt it unfair if ‘caught on a bad day’ Some felt it unfair if ‘caught on a bad day’

Food Hygiene Star Rating Early evaluation Early evaluation Many of our ‘worse’ premises have improved their rating over the last 12 months. Many of our ‘worse’ premises have improved their rating over the last 12 months. The scheme has had no major staffing implications The scheme has had no major staffing implications The profile of the Food Safety Section received a boost in the level of exposure The profile of the Food Safety Section received a boost in the level of exposure

Food Hygiene Star Rating What next? What next? Stickers to put in the windows of premises showing star rating? Stickers to put in the windows of premises showing star rating? New press release in the new year to remind people of scheme? New press release in the new year to remind people of scheme? Possible update of ratings in regular article in local newspapers? Possible update of ratings in regular article in local newspapers?