L. Greiner 1IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 STAR HFT Plans for the next year A short report on HFT/PXL plans for post May 2012 TPC – Time Projection Chamber.


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Presentation transcript:

L. Greiner 1IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 STAR HFT Plans for the next year A short report on HFT/PXL plans for post May 2012 TPC – Time Projection Chamber (main tracking detector in STAR) HFT – Heavy Flavor Tracker SSD – Silicon Strip Detector r = 22 cm LBNL – Jim Thomas IST – Inner Silicon Tracker r = 14 cm MIT – Bernd Surrow PXL – Pixel Detector r = 2.5, 8 cm LBNL – Leo Greiner

2IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Outline Existing HFT/PXL status and schedule Engineering run tasks and status Issues

3IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Existing PXL status and schedule We are ~ 1 year into the construction project. Many thanks to IPHC group for years of collaboration, support and help including during reviews. Significant management overhead, reports, reviews, etc. The RHIC engineering run was delayed until the end of February The new IDS pieces and new beam pipe were installed over the summer. The installation for the PXL prototype detector is scheduled for the end of February The SSD and IST detectors are not scheduled to be installed until summer The main task for 2012 / early 2013 is the construction and delivery of a three sector prototype detector by January of The full detector will be installed in September 2013.

4IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT PXL engineering run tasks We have a deliverable of a working prototype detector (3-4 sectors) to be installed in early Thus we need to produce first articles of all of the production stages for the final detector. Tasks for 2012: Production probe testing working for Ultimate sensors Cable design complete with Cu conductors New pre-production RDO (all boards) system working Full firmware and software for data-taking All mechanical designs complete and tested. Mechanical structures fabricated. Ladders => sectors fabricated + full scripted testing. Metrology Slow control system Software for tracking using metrology data Software for cosmic ray / beam testing tracking. etc.

5IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Steps to Prototype Detector Fix cable design (width) Fabricate cablesFix mechanical design Fabricate mech pieces Probe test sensors Fabricate ladders Fabricate sectors Testing and metrology Test ladder cable design Deliver to STAR, test and install Sensor and mechanical only. RDO, slow control, etc. not shown. Prototype detector planned to be fabricated with Ultimate 1 and Ultimate 2 sensors. In progress

6IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Next Steps Fabricate ladders from the 5 wafers of Ultimate-2 sensors. Place order for production run of Ultimate-2 sensors – completed 1/17/2013 Fabricate ~ 4 sectors from these ladders. Metrology – first sector is in progress. Finalize and produce MTBs. Test detector. Install at BNL and test. All interfaces to the STAR experiment. Goals for the engineering run can be found at ing_run_testing.docx ing_run_testing.docx

7IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Cable Structure Preliminary Design: Hybrid Copper / Aluminum conductor flex cable There are two cable regions joined by wire bonds Outer ladders have a simple rectangular driver region PCB. Inner ladders have a complex driver region PCB that incorporates a kapton flex region to allow the ladder interface connector to be routed to the top of the sector.

8IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Production ladders

9IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Sector Production

10IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Production sectors Production sector on metrology stage

11IPHC meeting – May 7, 2012 L. Greiner STAR HFT Selected Issues Probe testing – –The probe pins were making intermittent contact with the pads –We re-designed the probe card to have probes only on the digital side of the sensor and modified the probe pin mechanism to have greater travel range for the same contact force. –This has been tested and is now working well with the Ultimate-2 sensors. Aluminum conductor cables – –CERN PCB shop is having trouble with the aluminum delaminating during processing. –They will be unable to deliver any cables for the engineering run. –The problem is understood but will require vapor deposition for the full aluminum thickness. This is more expensive and time consuming. –We are working with another vendor (Hughes) to develop an aluminum fabrication process. –Some progress has been made. Please see report at 12_12_14.docx 12_12_14.docx