„Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti STUDENT ROOM Design rooms VYPRACOVAL: MGR, BARBORA, KRAVCOVÁ Oktober 2014
DEFINITION DEFINITION A student room is a very special place for each student. It should be a place of their own privacy student should definitely feel good and comfortable having enough space for all activities
RULES for room organization 1. Room should be divided in several specialised areas: 2. Communication and manipulation areas must be kept free. student room should stand out of ordinary rooms. Make it look modern yet functional.
ROOM DIVISION Student room should be divided into two main areas: RELAXING AREA WORKING AREA Both require storage solutions.
Working area a desk, some cupboards, some shelves, a comfortable chair and a lamp. FURNITURE REQUIREMENTS/1
FURNITURE REQUIREMENTS/2 FURNITURE REQUIREMENTS/2 Relaxing area a bed or sofa, a side table, a lantern, some shelves, a wardrobe, some cupboards, cushions, curtains and a carpet.
ROOM ADJUSTMENTS stackable, foldable boxes can also use them for storage - fill them with overdue library books etc..., Old-fashioned folding screen If the room is big enough see if you can find an old- fashioned folding screen. A screen separates your working area from your sleeping area and can make the room feel more spacious.
ROOM ADJUSTMENTS Make features of your possessions try to make your ordinary possessions focal points. Get a notice board Nothing is more useful than a notice board – pin your lecture timetable, your gig tickets and your friends' phone extension numbers on it. Many student rooms already come with a board.
ROOM ADJUSTMENTS Opt for good lamps Decent lighting will help when making a room feel cosy. It is also helpful when you have a good source of light in case of late night test revision.
SOURCEES Lobby Design Hardcover, DAAB-creator, Published London Jan Remodelista: A Manual for the Considered Home, Julie Carlson,London 2013.