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Overview What’s on Top? Upgrading maps for 21 Century learning Curriculum mapping and its relationship to learning management systems and student management systems Curriculum mapping and its role in transition across the school system. The role of leadership in Curriculum Mapping Professionalism in the workplace and its impact on curriculum mapping and other initiatives. Empowering literacy learning with curriculum mapping Work together to develop a presentation for Ministry and ERO Teams
Questions or Goals And what else?
Map Upgrades - 21 st C Learning Digital - Media - Global
Digital Literacy in NZ In New Zealand at least four strategies have been used to support educational ICT developments: providing enabling tools and infrastructure; providing inspiring ideas and opportunities to connect ideas; enhancing capability; supporting innovation. The potential of new technologies to transform teaching and learning is heavily dependent on educators’ abilities to see the affordances and capacities of It is further dependent on schools having the infrastructure, inspiration, capability and opportunities for innovation to achieve these kinds of teaching and learning.
21 st Century Literate Learner DigitalMediaGlobal Cultural Cognitive Constructive Communicative Confident Creative Critical Civic DOUGBELSHAW.COM To read, analyze, evaluate, and produce communications in a variety of media Purpose Function and Organisation Conventions Use Impact dio/studio_programs/vidkids/medialit.html Communicate Investigate Perspective Take Action file://localhost/Users/Chic/Documents/ chic doc/Global Competencies/Global Competencies Matrix(1) copy.pdf
Immersion Digital story telling - Science
So what does this mean for map upgrades?
To look is one thing, To see what you look at is another, To understand what you see is a third, To learn from what you understand is still something else: To act on what you learn is all that matters. -- Taoist saying
Vision Values Community LMS SMS Management Systems Management Systems
Conclusion Add your conclusion here © CFoote/Helix Consulting 2012 file://localhost/Users/Chic/Documents/CM Network - Leadership/Conepts-Inquiry overview Diagram.docx
Establish SystemsSupport StructuresTime HonouredExpectations – “End in Mind”
Transition Within a level Across the levels Between School How does curriculum mapping facilitate transition? What elements of the process need to be refined in order to develop highly effective transition?
Learning in the 2 nd decade of 21 st C Personalised Learning New views of equity, diversity & inclusivity Curriculum uses knowledge to develop learning capacity Changing the script – rethinking learners and teachers roles A culture of continuous learning for teachers and educational leaders New kinds of partnerships and relationships – schools no longer siloed from community
The Role of Leadership in Curriculum Mapping? What? How? Why?
So how do we present this to MOE and ERO What do they need to know? How will we most effectively convey this?