History, Current Status, Future Potential Autar Kaw Department of Mechanical Engineering November 13,
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. It is defined as an online course with large participation and access via the web. Accepted definition of MOOCs includes: Open Access – Do not need to pay a fee or be registered student Scalability – Designed to support indefinite number of students Definition 2
Open Courseware Initiative of MIT Utah State University 2007 Graduate course in Open Education 5 students turned to group of 50 in 8 countries University of Prince Edward Island coined the term MOOC Course in Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 25 university students joined 2,300 other students Early MOOCs 3
What is a cMOOC? Link 4
Student Success in a cMOOC Link 5
In 2011, Thrun and Norvig offered a course in Artificial Intelligence. In 2012, the major players in MOOCs emerged from selective universities thru companies such as Coursera, Udacity, and edX. Recent MOOCs 6
A View of xMOOCs Link 7
You can make your own MOOC through Blackboard, Canvas, Google Course Builder, Reddit People are mashing up MOOCs and call them Mechanical MOOCs (First course in Programming) Teach using open courseware of MIT Use quizzes and online exercises from Codecademy Study Groups by Open Study and P2P scheduler Self MOOCs 8
Cannot be free for too long Real-world experience is missing Technical difficulties Students who prefer structure Academic dishonesty Responsible for own learning Issues with MOOCs* *Source: Onlinecolleges.net, July 11,
A matching service for companies Certifications for credit Continuing education Google Adsense partner Provide online course materials for schools 2tor offers online degrees thru several institutions for full tuition Self-sustaining MOOCs 10
Putting upward pressure on university teaching Decentralizing services Meeting students’ needs Serve K-12 for AP classes Disruption from MOOCs* *Source: Educase 2012: 5 ways online learning is disrupting education: Brian Warmoth, Nov 7,