Sharp Elementary and the 21 st Century Classroom A Vision of Our Today
It’s the law...
Technology Literacy in Texas To assist every student in crossing the digital divide – Every student required to be technology literate – Assessed in 8 th grade – Regardless of the student's SES No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D
Title II Part D (NCLB)) TEKS – all subject areas should include technology integration – describe how technology helps accomplish specific tasks – start and exit programs as well as create, name, and save files – use proper keyboarding techniques such as correct hand and body positions and smooth and rhythmic keystroke patterns as grade-level appropriate
– produce documents at the keyboard, proofread, and correct errors – apply keyword searches to acquire information – select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information for research and resource sharing – determine the usefulness and appropriateness of digital information – use software programs with audio, video, and graphics to enhance learning experiences; and – publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, stored files or video
Sharp Integration Vision Defining technology integration Student-centered learning Effective technology integration Examples or non-examples Cloud computing Why bother? Contact information
Pencil Integration
Students: – Communicating ideas about learning – Collaborating with other students – Assisting in learning content – Making appropriate choices about the tool(s) to use based on preferences, comfort zone, purpose – Being engaged in learning Technology
Pencil Integration Pencil usage – Real-world; authentic – Driven by the curriculum – Used for assessment – Ubiquitous - everywhere – Meets needs of diverse learners – Equally accessible to everyone – Invisible/transparent Technology
Collaborate Communicate Generate Content
What is effective TI? Active engagement Authentic Collaborative Challenging Performance-based -- Proficiency in 21st Century skills
Example or non-example Integration or Usage? Using WebAchiever to identify students’ proficiency in math Showing students movies from United Streaming Researching the Internet for primary documents to post a topic on WikiPedia Using a SmartBoard to show a PPT demonstration about factoring in math Creating a public service announcement for the Rotary club using Movie Maker
Using a document camera to read a story to the students Using a scanner to import family photos into a presentation on family trees Using GPS to learn about latitude and longitude Using spreadsheet to type in a personal budget from textbook Using probeware to analyze temperatures in a science class Example or non-example Integration or Usage?
Is this an example or non-example?
And when the thrill is gone?
Technology Integration Is Not: Taking students to the computer lab once a week for 40 minutes. Using the computer as an electronic worksheet. Using the computer as a reward station for students who are finished with their other assignments.
Technology Integration Is Not: Accelerated Reader, Math Blaster, WebAchiever. Every student typing one PowerPoint a year, no matter what! What the teacher is doing with the technology.
Now, you! Provide two examples of integration: Provide two non-examples:
Endless possibilities?
Google Apps YouTube/Edu PBworks Glogster Blogger Twitter Diigo ooVoo Flickr Earth Facebook
Technology Integration Question Why hasn’t technology been fully integrated into the classroom today?
Technology Integration Has Failed Because:
Why bother?
Research based evidence… Research suggests technology integration – positively affects student achievement academic performance content area learning higher-order thinking problem solving skills, and prepares students for 21 st century – Retrieved from technology-integration-whyhttp:// technology-integration-why
We must prepare learners for their future, not for our past. -- David Thornburg A vision of K-12 Students
21st Century Skills Personal and social responsibility Planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity Strong communication skills Cross-cultural understanding Visualizing and decision-making Knowing how & when to use technology
Technology integration is the use of technology resources - computers, digital cameras, CD- ROMs, software applications, the Internet, etc. – in the daily practices of a classroom and in the management of a school. It is the transparent use of these tools that demonstrates integration. It is when the use of technology is routine. Technology integration is when a child or a teacher doesn’t stop to think that he or she is using a computer or researching via the Internet. -- from technology-integration-whathttp:// technology-integration-what
Steps to Integration Begin with the end in mind. – How will learning be different? – How will teaching be different? Technology is only a tool – not in addition to, but instead of! But, most importantly: Attend TST trainings!
Contact your TST today! Coral Palmer