Position 1 Should the Kyoto Protocol by renewed and extended to 2020 by all concerned parties as it is written now? Legally binding developed-world members to reporting GHG emissions. Developed world signatories would agree to reduce CO2 emission levels to 5.2% below 1990 levels. Air travel and shipping emissions are not included. Emissions progress under the Kyoto Protocol so far.
Current Progress Under Kyoto
Position 2 Should the Kyoto Protocol be renewed with developing nations having emissions reduction standards as well? Would legally binding standards be set off 1990 levels like the developed world?
Position 3 Should an international body be created to enforce the future legally binding emissions limits? Funding Questions of country sovereignty Nature of punishments
Position 4 Should emissions limits be made voluntary as opposed to be legally binding? Problems of enforcing the limits Problems of getting good data from countries otherwise.
Position 5 Some have argued that in light of the recent economic problems, the amount of allowable temperature increase be raised from the Copenhagen agreement of 2° to 2.5°. Comments and concerns?
Position 6 Some have argued that in light of the recent alarming research and weather related disasters, the allowed amount of allowed temperature increase be reduced to 1.5°? Comments and concerns?
Discussion How should the green fund as agreed under the Cancun Adaptation Framework be allocated? Poorest nations first? Nations that are in most need first? What percentage towards direct-mitigation versus assessment? Corporate contracting process?
Position 7 To provide a more dependable stream of revenue for the “green fund” as agreed under the Cancun Adaptation Framework, it has been suggested a tax on international currency transactions. Developed nations are not delivering funds as agreed in Cancun in a timely and forthright manner. The rate would be set so low as to be rounded to zero for people and only financial institutions would have to pay.
Position 8 Currently the European Union is running a carbon “cap and trade” market. Carbon credits are traded, encouraging investment in green technologies. Financial institutions like hedge funds trade them and speculate on them to make money. Large forests have been been proposed to be used as carbon credits (offsets) which might promote reforestation and reduce deforestation.
Position 9 In order to reduce the amount of hydrocarbon fuels consumed, it has been recommended that a global carbon tax be adopted as has been done as in Spain and Australia. How is the rate decided? Would it be the same rate in each country?
Proposal 10 In order to reduce global hydrocarbon consumption, it is proposed that government subsidies of fossil fuel exploration, extraction, refining, and transportation be eliminated in a firm timeline. This will encourage a switch to low-carbon technologies. Will represent a drag on many economies.
Proposal 11 Ban on Geo-engineering Technologies It has been proposed that a moratorium be placed against completing large scale research and implementation of geo-engineering techniques. Mirror arrays in space, algal seeding in the oceans, sulphur dioxide release, artificial trees
Discussion Migration Agreement It is recognized that the as people flee places no longer able to sustain existing populations there will be large migrations of people moving between countries. Currently, there is no agreement on the obligations of a country to accept and house environmental refugees on a humanitarian basis. There is a concern that accepting countries might not have the financial capacity to handle the refugees.
United States of America
Saudi Arabia
Council of Indigenous Peoples
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries