PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 1 PACS IHDR Model Philosophy, Budgets, Interfaces and IID-B Reinhard Katterloher.


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Presentation transcript:

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 1 PACS IHDR Model Philosophy, Budgets, Interfaces and IID-B Reinhard Katterloher

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 2 Configuration and Development of PACS Instrument Models Flight Instrument consists of 1 cryogenic FPU, 4 electronics boxes (units) at ambient temperature, 1 set of WIH CQM+AVM Instrument consists of 1 cryogenic FPU, 4 electronics boxes (units) at ambient temperature, 1 set of WIH Flight Spare philosophy demands 1 cryogenic FPU (which is the refurbished CQM unit), and electronics spare kits Development program, performance verification and environmental qualification of Units is taken care by the individual manufacturers For each Unit a dedicated Development and Test Plan (covering all AIV activities on Unit level) is issued and enforced AIV of the different models on instrument level starts after delivery of the Units to MPE

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 3 Model Philosophy (deliverables to ESA are marked in blue)

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 4 CQM-FPU and AVM-WE characteristics compared to PFM FPU CQM is a nearly FM representative FPU Unit  Complete optics, all mechanisms, all sensors  Blue spectrometer array: 12 modules instead of 25  Red spectrometer array: 11 modules instead of 25  Blue photometer array: 8 sub-arrays (2 near perfo.) of 8  Red photometer array: 2 sub-arrays (1 near perfo.) of 2 AVM electronics is built with commercial grade components, no redundancy, DECMEC, BOLC and SPU are not form fit with FM CQM wavelength calibration program cannot be executed to the same accuracy as planned for FM due to schedule limitations EMC tests during CQM ILT and on system level (EQM) planned

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 5 Functional Properties of Units (deliverables to MPE) UnitModelstatus FPU STM (mass, size, thermal, ext. alignm.) CQM (full repres. of FM, 50% Ge-arrays) PFM (full flight representative) delivered DPU AVM (functional repres. of FM, FFF) PFM (nom and red part) QM (functional repres. of FM, for ILT FS) delivered SPU AVM (functional repres. of FM) EM (functional repres. of FM, for ILT FS) PFM (2 identical boxes nom/red) delivered DECMEC AVM Simulator (supports electrical + S/W performance verification) EM (1MEC+2DEC) QM (1MEC+1DEC, upgrd. requ. for ILT FS) PFM (2MEC+2DEC in 1 unit) delivered BOLC BOLC Simulator (supports electr.+S/W ver.) QM1 (supports FPU ILT performance verif.) QM2 (full QM, for initial FM, for ILT FS) PFM (full flight representative) delivered

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 6 Combination of Units during ILT Phases

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 7 FPU Schematic and Interfaces

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 8 Mechanical interfaces of FPU – OB and WE – SVM The PACS FPU is mounted on the OB with 3 CFRP feet The mechanical Interface is fully described in the drawing “PACS-KT-ICD-0000W1 issue 27 draft dated ” The FPU ICD drawing is annex to IID-B The bolting scheme of BOLC QM to SVM is not identical with FM The mechanical interfaces of other WE FM boxes to SVM are given in the relevant PACS Interface Control Drawings WE FM ICDs are annex to IID-B Change requests are issued for WE AVM boxes

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 9 Thermal Budget and Interface FPU - S/C cryostat FPU requires two temperature levels - level 0 at nominal 1.7K (max K accepted) - level 1 around 4K (max. 5.0 K accepted) Other temperatures inside the FPU are produced autonomously (2.2K blue array/ 0.3K bolometers) Thermal coupling to cooling level 0 via 4 heat straps Thermal coupling to cooling level 1 via 3 heat straps FPU is thermally decoupled from OB by CFRP feet Thermal loads and final heat fluxes are calculated using the PACS TMM combined with the cryostat TMM

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 10 Steady State Heat Dissipation (table from PACS TMM)

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 11 Harness Interface FPU–WE–S/C and Electrical Budget Harness is specified in PACS-MA-SP-001-V3.2, annex to IID-B It consists of - total inside CVV: 1060 wires shields - total outside CVV: 1060 wires shields + 15 overshields - Warm Interconnect Harness (specs. given in PACS-CL-RS-010) Power consumption of WE see separate table Science data rate in PACS prime mode is 130 kbps max (120 kbps average per day)

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 12 Power Consumption on SVM (present allocation is 120 W, CR-0033_V3 pending, demand for LCL class III) Table of maximum average power and short and long peak power demand is provided in IID-B CR-0033_V3

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 13 Mass and Size of Instrument Units Project codeInstrument unitDimensions (mm) length x width x height Nominal mass (kg) FPFPUCold focal plane unitSee configuration drawings annex IID-B 73.6 FPDECMECDetector control and mechanism control unit EM 560x318x304 FM 560x318x305 TBC 23 (TBC) FPBOLCBolometer and cooler control unit QM 328.5x300.2x314.3 FM 382.5x289x333.5 incl. connect. backshell 499.5x289x376.9 TBC FPDPUDigital processing unit274x258x197 including fixation feet 240x258x197 exclud.f.f FPSPU nom.+redu. stacked Signal processing unitAVM 280x240.5x350 FM 270x221x186 TBC 7.0 FPWIHWarm interconnect harness Length AVM 2000 Length FM 1300/ TBC Total mass FM (allocation 130 kg)127

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 14 Current IID-B Status Status of open CRs submitted or still to be written will be given under topic PA/QA Status of open RFWs submitted or still to be written will be given under topic PA/QA Lot of figures and few tables need to be replaced according to progress in instrument development and have to be included in the very next version of IID-B (many of the figures are ready for submission) Missing figures, drawings and all text additions can be expected from PACS within the next two weeks

PACS IHDR MPE 12/13 November 2003 System Engineering 15 Urgent Pending Activities w.r.t. Documentation Update of IID-B has highest priority Next issues of AIV Plan and Test Plan are due (PCD draft 7 up to date) Definition of the optimized ILT test sequence and consolidation of test steps need further technical discussions Definition of detailed test procedure for the CQM+AVM ILT in progress already, issueing of the document Test Plan will be started immediately after AIV Plan is completed Selection of „building blocks“ out of the ILT program for the EQM test program has to be started soon (test steps adapted to EQM constraints) Approval of RFW0003 expected soon, qualification program of black paint needs to be finished because manufacture of FM structure has started