Grundtvig Education Landscapes Analysis of French contributions Wales - February
Introduction A training center Paris – AEFTI Migrants coming : unemployed people – Course of 120 hours - targeting to help them to search a job (topics : french, maths, cv, communication …) – Financed by State, integration program for migrants
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Part 1 : Statistics – 8 people asked – 5 male / 3 female Age : mixed group 25 % % % +40 Due to French rules no name
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Education – Mainly low level of education, not always recognized in France – One has not finished its educational path in its country Current employment status – Mostly occasional work – but they are now all unemployed
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Living place – Mostly in the city (70 %) – Some are living far because of financing reason
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Part 2 : educational needs All are willing to any further education Sector : priorities 1. language first (4 time) 2.Social skills (4 time as well) 3.ICT (3 times)
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Motivation : – Get a job (all) – Learn new skills (all as well) Barriers in access – Money and time (70 %) – And as well family reason (mainly said by women)
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Expect of learning – Better employibility (75 %) Learning’s method – Interractive learning (50 %) – And then, learning by doing or job training
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Men or women in group – Not important or no opinion (75 % of answers) Teatchers male or female – Not important as well (50 %) – Then no opinion (50 %)
Grundtvig projet - Education Questionnaire 1 Part 3 Pace of teaching : all are happy with the common way of teaching Teacher way of speaking : usualy understandable…. (laugh…) but Some more explaining seems to be necessary (50 % of people willing to get more explanation…)
Grundtvig projet - Education Aditionnal materials – The answers to the question is different because of the expections of the trainees, some said no because they were wanted more aditionnal inputs in the courses – Other are just not knowing what it could bring as an added value…
Grundtvig projet - Education Time of learning : – they would prefer evening or WE Is the course usefull ? – YES (90 %) Positive influence - Mood – 100 % YES
Greece now…
Training center
Second questionaire The second questionnaire is easier to use in group, it is more adapted to people with low level of education The main problem is that you don’t get everybody’s real point of view (all the time one is speaking on behalf of others or even don’t let time to other to answer…
Grundtvig projet - Education Educational backgroup : – Same answers that first questionnaire – Is sometime hard to get access to Internet…. Vocational experience : – Mainly jobs or not declared activity or family jobs (unpaid)
Grundtvig projet - Education Motivation – Find a job, money… Ideal model of training – Flexible training, hours, days, … sometime homework… – Usefull : strong motivation to get a job… – Ideal model of training
Grundtvig projet - Education Trainees will attained their objectives when the will have a job – Yes, the premises when nice mean that we are well considered, – Technical tools are important for the same reason, Training program CV Search a job language
Grundtvig projet - Education Educational / professional fields – Same answer that to the previous questions Life long training – This system is not really undestood by these trainees, they expect a quick sollution job…
The end…