GEMET GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus leading the way to federated terminologies Stefan Jensen, Head of information services group with input by Søren Roug and Antonio de Marinis Ecoterm V – FAO Rome 6th October 2009
Where is GEMET today? Most popular common vocabulary globally used by the environmental community Available in all European languages plus Russian and Arabic On the EEA web site as application, in SKOS and through a WebAPI Content integrated by various terminology related applications/services
Content fully integrated in OmegaWiki e.g.
New application areas Knowledge management Structuring knowledge for improved communication e.g. intelligent websites Data management Improving data descriptions Semantic management Modelling data and it‘s relationships Supporting distributed data processing Advanced translation techniques
2007 Simple Knowledge management... as service for linking web content
2009 Create the web of environmental data
SENSE – semantic support to EIONET reporting
A link to terminologies
Data management... support domain specific vocabularies... be a part of the Shared Environmental infomation System SEIS... support the INSPIRE initiative - metadata based indexing and retrieval, multilinguality tools
Applications / services to be built around Adopted as reference vocabulary in the European Spatial Data infratstructure (INSPIRE) „ Keyword If a resource is a spatial dataset or spatial dataset series, at least one keyword shall be provided describing the relevant INSPIRE spatial data theme (as defined in Annex I, II or III of the Directive) from the general environmental multi-lingual thesaurus (GEMET) ( For each keyword, the following metadata elements shall be provided:” (extract from INSPIRE implementation rule)...
Semantic management Semantic management e.g. support research on and first application of onotologies What is new? We like to learn!
Current key technology developments eContent+ projetcs GSSoil by Edisoft PT OneGeology by CZ partner Nature SDI tbc Other Integration into Geonetwork by CamptoCamp FR JRC builds JAVA API to the INSPIRE geoportal Consider SPARQL web service API
New OPOCE project On developing a thesaurus (ontology) alignment environment 1) An automatic alignment API, 2) A vocabulary repository comprising - the vocabularies to be mapped (Eurovoc – Directory of Comm. legislation in force, Version 4.2 of Eurovoc, EET and GEMET thesauri) - the alignment results 3) A GUI (Graphic User Interface) which enables to: - Launch the automatic alignment API; - Store the mapping relations and export the mapping relations (in SKOS or XML); - Upload metadata or vocabularies in the application for further mapping. - The final tool shall be a standard platform that enables to upload RDF-format vocabularies for mapping. - Browse/navigate from one vocabulary to another, select a concept and get in return the mapping relations ; - Display a graphical map of the mapping relations ; - Export the "false" mapping (ambiguous) relations based on a threshold value; (potential not relevant mapping);
thesaurus (ontology) alignment environment - Validate/correct the mapping relations manually; - Search among the vocabularies and display the mapping relations: free text search (with wildcards to qualify the search) The final product shall be a standard platform, which enables: - To upload additional RDF-format vocabularies/thesauri, not part of the current project, and apply the alignment strategy - To upload additional alignment algorithms 4) A SKOS web service API for accessing the mapping results and applying query expansion.
Thesauri federation – How to do it? Looking further around what others did/do: Example: Mapping concepts Examples from linked data initiatives... What else can be done? e.g. Cooperation by linking to the GEO activities Let‘s discuss and find out...