Valencia meeting November, 2006
Contents Conditions of simulation Treatment of TPC exact hits VTX hits and tolerance TPC hits and tolerance Summary
Conditions of simulation PositionR [cm]Z [cm] A B3.425 C3.435 D E F G H16320 I16400 J K0405 L0430 M0450 N13230 O P36260 Q20430 Fig.1 Interaction Region Input data is CAIN which has 3 MeV cut. Crossing angle is 14mrad. Strength of solenoid field is 3 tesla, and it’s plane.
Treatment of TPC exact hits Fig.2 TPC exact hits Many hits is generated along z direction. Fig.3 TPC digitization Digitize only in z direction. Reading interval: 50nano sec Drift velocity: 5cm/micro sec => 5*50 = 2.5 mm
VTX hits and tolerance Layer Nominal LowP Hits/cm^2/train Nominal: 20 bunch data, LowP: 1 bunch data Tolerance: 1.0*10^4 Below tolerance. LowP backgroung is more than nominal bockground.
TPC hits and tolerance Exact hitsDigitize hits Nominal LowP Nominal: 20 bunch data, LowP: 1 bunch data Hits/50maicro sec Tolerance: 4.92*10^5 Below tolerance. LowP background is about 1.5 times nominal backgorund.
Summary Below tolerance. LowP background is more than nominal buckground. LowP background is about 1.4 times nominal bockground in VTX(layer0~3). LowP background is about 1.5 times nominal bockground in TPC.