Using Illustrations to Persuade View as slide show Adapted from
Which Illustration is More Effective for Persuading People? Explain your answer in writing. Then go to the next slide.. Adapted from AdPrin.com2 AB
Will you help? Presumably A. To get persuade people for a social cause, show them pictures of individuals. Not groups Similar people The key is to get people to identify with those in the illustration.. Adapted from AdPrin.com3
Evidence Avoid evidence about large numbers of people and group shots. Donations are higher (with social proof than with a simple appeal) only for similar people, and this effect is greater when showing an individual ( Kogut and Ritov 2007 )Kogut and Ritov 2007 For more evidence, see Persuasive Advertising p
Based on this exercise, write a small application step for yourself, and set a deadline, preferably within one week. If you are working with someone else, share your application plan and the results of your application. Adapted from