Right 1 - ACCESS Right to access health and community services Patient experience survey results support this right: fast access to reliable health advice is highly valued by patients - Picker Institute Europe, Coulter & Ellins 2006 the 2009 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Patient Experience Survey highlighted that: 6.3% of Australians delayed seeing or didn’t see a GP because of the cost 18% of Australians felt they had waited longer than acceptable to get a GP appointment 12% of Australians did not see a GP until 2 or more days after making an appointment for urgent medical care
Right 2 - SAFETY Right to be safe and free from abuse Patient experience survey results support this right: the safety climate is an important measure of patient satisfaction by public hospital patients and healthcare staff - SA Health Patient Safety Culture report March 2009 & SA Health Safety & Quality Survey 2009
Right 3 - QUALITY Right to quality service Patient experience survey results support this right: 3 of the 8 factors that are valued most highly by patients include: effective treatment delivery by trusted professionals attention to physical and environmental needs continuity of care and smooth transitions Picker Institute Europe, Coulter & Ellins Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Patient Experience Survey highlighted that 5% of people reported having medication, medical care, treatment or a test that had caused harm or a harmful side effect
Right 4 - RESPECT Right to be treated with respect Patient experience survey results support this right: 3 of the 8 factors that are valued most highly by patients include: respect and dignity emotional support, empathy & respect involvement in decisions & respect for preferences Picker Institute Europe, Coulter & Ellins 2006 The next Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Patient Experience Survey will ask people whether GPs, specialists, doctors, nursing staff in hospitals & dentists listened carefully, spent enough time with them &treated them with respect.
Right 5 - INFORMATION Right to be informed Patient experience survey results support this right: clear, comprehensible information & support for self-care is highly valued by patients Picker Institute Europe, Coulter & Ellins in 10 patients didn’t feel adequately informed of the risks & benefits of treatment - SA Health Safety & Quality Survey Results Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Patient Experience Survey finding 55% of the people who reported having medication, medical care, treatment or a test that had caused harm or a harmful side effect, had been informed of the risk
Right 6 - PARTICIPATION Right to actively participate Patient experience survey results support this right: 2009 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National Patient Experience Survey highlighted that: 40% of people who were admitted to hospital had been given a choice to be treated as a public or private patient on their most recent hospital admission of the people who were given the choice to be treated as a public or private patient, 87% reported feeling they had been given enough information to make a choice
Right 7 - PRIVACY Right to privacy and confidentiality Patient experience survey results support this right: privacy was rated by outpatients as one of the primary factors that influences their level of satisfaction - Picker Institute Europe, Sizmur & Redding, June 2010
Right 8 - COMMENT Right to comment and / or complain Patient experience survey results support this right: SA Health Patient Evaluation of Hospital Stay 2008 highlighted: 4-7% of patients said that the way complaints are dealt with could be improved 55% of patients had no knowledge of patient rights 62% of patients had no knowledge of patient advisors 52% of patients had no knowledge of HCSCC involvement of & support for family & carers is highly valued by patients Picker Institute Europe, Coulter & Ellins 2006