Presentation on the Identification of Tourism Related Sites objectives by Sibangani Mosojane Objective -To design and develop a systematic procedure for identification, classification and allocation of land within the ODRS suitable for tourism related activities
Presentation on the Identification of Tourism Related Sites objectives by Sibangani Mosojane Tasks to be executed by the Consultants -Develop (in consultation with stakeholders) acceptable criteria for the identification of tourism related sites within the ODRS -Identify and map (GIS layers and GPS points provided) potential tourism related sites within the ODRS -Differentiate identified sites according to the type of tourism related activity or product that the site can offer (e.g. lodge, camp site, hotel, etc)
Tasks continue - Align and ensure compatibility of identified sites to the Tourism Development Areas (TDAs) and Zones identified by the Ngamiland Tourism Development Plan, not withholding the consultant to come up with their own recommendations. -Differentiate all potential sites in terms of biodiversity status and environmental sensitivity -Make recommendations on potential carrying capacities for identified sites (number of beds, people and facilities that can be supported without exceeding threshold limits for the environment)
Tasks continue -Develop and recommend a cost effective strategy that the TLB could employ to facilitate smooth allocation of sites -Develop tourism related activity checklist that would guide the EIA process in evaluating environmental effects for proposed tourism developments within identified sites. -Classify identified sites by their potential market segments (e.g. lower end, middle and upper market).
Outputs expected -Tourism related sites identification criteria -Classes of sites per tourism activity or product and potential market segment -Allocation strategy/criteria (or guidelines for allocation by the TLB)
Outputs expected -Maps showing sites (hard and digital copies, GIS layers and GPS points) -Profiles for identified sites (carrying capacities, LAC’s and biodiversity) -Tourism related activity Checklist for guiding EIA processes
The consultant Natural Resources and People
Reference Group Department of Landboard Services Department of Lands Department of Enviromental Affairs-Maun Department of Tourism-Maun Department of Wildlife and National Parks Department of Forestry and Range Resources Botswana Tourism Board HATAB representative Director of HOORC Botswana Wildlife Management Association NWDC-Principal Physical Planner NWDC-Tourism NWDC-Environmental Health BIOKAVANGO Project Tawana Land Board Waste water