What have you done? Choices have consequences; some make choices w/o considering the consequences Asking, “What have you done?” is an effort to make people consider their consequences while they have time and opportunity I A Biblical Question
What have you done? Gn.4:10 Gn.20:9 Gn.31:26 Nu.23:11 1 Sm.13:11 2 Sm.3:24 Dn.4:35 Jn.18:35
II Questions We Should Ask The Lord for 1. “What have You done for me?” Song: –He was threatened for me. Jn.19:10; 1 Pt.2:23 –He was slandered for me. Mt.27:29, 39-40; Mk.14:65 –Every tear, every nail, every thorn was for me. Hb.5:7; Mt.26-27
to 2. "What have you done to me?” A Christian grows slack in atten- dance, doesn’t do a thing to serve the Lord, and may quit altogether When asked why, he mentions a brother who once hurt his feelings… He quits serving the Lord because of what a man did! Hb.12:3 When did Jesus ever fail you?
It is foolish to blame Jesus for a crime that some man committed 2 Co.11 –Accusations of false brethren against Paul were bad enough –His own brethren who believed them made it even worse 1 Co.9:27 Hb.10:32-34
Emperor Valens threatened Eusebius Threats: confiscation of all his goods, torture, banishment, or even death Eusebius replied: “He needs not fear confiscation, who has nothing to lose; nor banishment, to whom heaven is his country; nor torments, when his body can be destroyed at one blow; nor death, which is the only way to set him at liberty from sin and sorrow”
Questions 1.Have you ever failed someone, either intentionally or not? 2.Have you always done your duty perfectly? 3.Did you do your duty to solve this problem (Mt.18:15-17)? 4.The ultimate question: what has the Lord done to you?
III Questions The Lord May Ask Us for 1. “What have you done for Me?” –Someone who has grown spiritually weak often tries to excuse his disobedience by recounting all the good things he ever did for God and man Implication: everyone, including the Lord Himself, owes him an extraordinary debt
Twisted memories (revisionist history) –Some remember what they have done for the Lord They forget what the Lord has done for them –Some remember their good deeds, but forget the bad They forget the good deeds of others, but remember the bad
What could I do for the Lord? 2 K.5:…13 Mt.7:22 –He said, “Lord, Lord.” All the preaching in the world will not save the preacher if he does not practice. 1 Co.13:1-2 –He may have been successful; the Lord cannot tolerate the presence of those who call him Lord and then work lawlessness (23) Mt.25:41-44
God does not need us (Ps.50:7-15) Our service does not help Him Is.64:6 –If our righteousness is so bad, what must our unrighteousness be?
Lk.17: Even if we reach the highest degree of service, we have not benefited God 2.Even if we do our duty, we still fall short; we merit nothing 3.No one does his whole duty; no one does more than his duty Ro.11:35
to 2. What have you done to Me? Ho.11:8 – Hb.6:4-6 –He did not suffer enough the first time! –Crucified Lord afresh A Jewish Christian returns to the synagogue, fellowships those who crucified Jesus; says, “He deserved to be crucified. He wasn’t doing anything for me when He died” His approval makes the act of crucifixion his own
“But I’m not a Jew in a synagogue” Ac.2:23 (Jn. 18:31) –Crucifixion was a Roman punishment –The Gentile Christian who returns to the world to fellowship his worldly friends makes the same statement as the Jew who returns to synagogue
– Put Him to an open shame –Mt.1:19 Hb.10:26-31 –Some try to explain this away –It will face them on Judgment Day
Closing Questions 1.What have you done to yourself? (Jer. 8:6) 2.What have you done to your loved ones? 3.What has the Lord done to deserve anything less than your best?