“The United Nations” Internationalism- is the idea that individual nations promote common aims through membership in an organization made up of many nations.
League of Nations was the 1 st international organization. It failed, because 1. It was weak and ineffective mainly because the United States failed to join.
The United Nations
The Structure of the United Nations. A large International Organization with over 200 members. Head Quarters- New York City
Purpose of the United Nations. 1. Maintain International Peace. 2. Develop Friendly relations with among nations. 3. Promote Justice. 4. Seek peaceful solutions.
General Assembly Is the legislative body for the United nations.(like our Congress). Each nation in the U.N. is a member of the General Assembly and they have one vote each.
General Assembly (Sec. General Ban Ki-moon) BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY Took over Jan. 1, 2007 and reelected in 2011
Security Council
Is the Peace keeping arm of the United Nations. It has 15 members including 5 permanent members.
Security Council Permanent Members United States, Great Britain, France, China, Russia. The General Assembly elects the 10 nonpermanent members for 2 year terms.
Each of the 15 members on the Security Council have one vote. Yet, any of the 5 permanent members can veto any motion. This gives the permanent members a great deal of power.
The Security Council It asks quarreling nations to solve their differences peacefully. Can send U.N. troops to prevent a war.
International Court of Justice World Court it is the Judicial arm of the United Nations. 15 judges who hear disputes and issue decisions.
United Nations agencies World Health Organization(WHO) United nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) International Monetary Fund(IMF) World Bank
World Health Organization Studies diseases and maintains world wide health clinics.
UNICEF-United Nations Children Fund Provides food and medicine to children around the world.
International Monetary Fund Promotes World Trade
World Bank Provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries.
Developing Nation- Countries that our still struggling to build industrial economies and meet the basic needs of their people.(Somalia)
Developed Nation Nations like the United States that have already built strong industrial economies.