State Leadership Team Session 3: Day 2 Submitting Quality Resources and Navigating the Digital Library Fall 2013
Welcome State Leadership Teams! 2
Agenda Setting the Stage Supporting Your SNE Using the Digital Library Software Implementation Planning in State Teams, for Session 3 and Beyond Reflecting on the Learning 3
Educator Learning Targets: Day 1 I understand the components of an accurate and effective Cover Profile. I understand how to use the Digital Library software to contribute resources. I understand the importance of the Cover Profile in the review process. 4
Educator Learning Targets: Day 2 I understand my role as a State Leadership Team (SLT) member. I understand how to facilitate "Session 3: Submitting Quality Resources." I understand how to support the work of the SNE. 5
Introduction Pair up with someone in the room you do not know and introduce yourself. How do you envision the Digital Library will be a transformative tool in your state? How are the Digital Library’s capabilities aligned to new or recent state initiatives?
Agenda Setting the Stage Supporting Your SNE Using the Digital Library Software Implementation Planning in State Teams, for Session 3 and Beyond Reflecting on the Learning 7
Focus Supporting Your SNE Learning Target: I understand my role as an SLT member. Success Criteria: I can access Individual SNE reports in the Digital Library. I can utilize Individual SNE reports to identify the number of resources each SNE member has contributed. 8
SLT Support of the SNE Your constructive and actionable feedback to SNE members is key to populating the Digital Library with quality resources. The Digital Library has reports that enable you to have productive conversations with your SNE members. SNE SLT 9
Reports to Help Norm Reviewers The two reports that SLT members will be able to access on demand to help norm their SNE members: Individual SNE Report State SNE Report 10
Individual SNE Report Between now and Training 2, you will be able to access the Individual SNE report to see how many resources each of your SNE members has contributed. Each SNE member is expected to contribute at least two resources before Training 2. 11
Accessing the Individual SNE Report Demonstration 12
Reflecting on Your Role Pick three words to describe how you feel about your role as an SLT member. Go to AnswerGarden to submit your answer at:
Agenda Setting the Stage Supporting Your SNE Using the Digital Library Software Implementation Planning in State Teams, for Session 3 and Beyond Reflecting on the Learning 14
Focus Using the Digital Library Software Learning Target: I understand how to use the Digital Library software to contribute resources. Success Criterion: I can successfully upload a resource and complete a Cover Profile in the Digital Library. 15
Completing a Cover Profile and Submitting a Resource 16 Guided Practice
Agenda Setting the Stage Supporting Your SNE Using the Digital Library Software Implementation Planning in State Teams, for Session 3 and Beyond Reflecting on the Learning 17
Focus Implementation Planning in State Teams Learning Target: I understand how to support the work of the SNE. Success Criterion: I can articulate my team’s plan for facilitating “Session 3: Submitting Quality Resources” for my SNE. I can articulate my team’s action plan for collaborating and communicating with SNE members and my fellow SLT members. 18
SNE Session 3: Delivery Session 1: Introduction to the Digital Library (1 hour) Session 2: Introduction to the Quality Criteria (1 hour) Session 3: Submitting Quality Resources (3 hours, led by SLT members) Session 4: Navigating the Digital Library (1 hour) SLT two-day training SLT two-day training
SNE Session 3: Sample Agenda Section A o Setting the Stage o Examining the Cover Profile Template Section B o Writing an Effective Cover Profile Section C o Understanding the Importance of the Cover Profile in the Review Process o Reflecting on the Learning Page 20
SNE Session 3: Resources Session 3 PowerPoint Facilitator Guide Participant Guide Page 21
Initial Planning How do you plan to deliver Session 3 to your SNE (webinar, face-to-face, etc.)? Will Session 3 be facilitated as one 3-hour session or as three 1-hour sessions? Why? Who will be responsible for leading each one of the sessions? What will your agenda look like? What topic(s) will be covered in Section A, Section B, and Section C? 22
Implementation Planning Page 23
Agenda Setting the Stage Supporting Your SNE Using the Digital Library Software Implementation Planning in State Teams, for Session 3 and Beyond Reflecting on the Learning 24
Reflecting on the Learning For each question, pair up with someone who is not from your state. What is one “a-ha” moment from the past two days? How has your perception of the Digital Library shifted or expanded? What is one thing you intend to do as you work with SNE members moving forward? 25
Feedback Please complete the online session evaluation so we can learn from your feedback. Thank you! 26
Thank You! You have completed Day 2 of SLT Session 3. We appreciate your participation in this unprecedented effort to support teaching and learning! SLT two-day training SLT two-day training 27