The Master Plan is like… because…
Scan and read Figure 30 on pages Note any “AHA”moments, which could be words, phrases, or sentences that have meaning to you. Use the text annotations below to mark the AHA moments:
Share Out Get into Triads to share one of your “AHA” moments that relates to the text. Allow one minute to share, 30 seconds for response by two members. Repeat cycle until all three has shared one “AHA”.
Read the following sections on Pages Teachers, Site Admin, EL Coordinator, Counselors, Title III Coach Based on the listed responsibilities for Implementation of Instruction 1.Indentify 2 or 3 of your primary responsibilities 2.Indentify one support from each of the other four positions at the school site
Your LTELS LTELs are identified by SLC and Grade-level Annotate all students currently in your classes Collaborate as grade-level teams to develop an action plan how to best support the LTELS in your classroom To reclassify, students need to: –Pass CELDT (Listening, Speaking, Writing, Reading) –Get a C or better in ELA –Score Basic or Above on CST in ELA
3-2-1 Protocol What three new understandings do you about the monitoring, evaluation, and accountability outlined in the Master Plan? What are two implications for you as a teacher with the New Master Plan? What is one thing you will start doing today?