University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign History Department Clare Crowston Peter Fritzsche Kerry Wynn
First year: Introduction to discipline and department Habits and practices: student initiative, thinking ‘historiographically’, building networks, agenda within frame of program Courses: reading, writing and speaking; synthesis, analysis and critique Intro. to field and dept: Pro-Seminar, advisers, programming series, HGSA mentors, TA’ing, reading groups
Introduction to the research enterprise Intro to research: historiography courses, research seminars, pre- dissertation research Finding questions and answers: dissertation proposal workshop, oral defense of proposal, discussions with mentors, diss writing workshop, reading groups for work-in-progress
Significant Transition Preliminary Examinations 3 written exams: 1 in major field, 2 minors Oral defense (written exams and proposal) Tests knowledge of fields; ability to synthesize material and critique it; comparative work; broad span of history Certifies proficiency to teach; ability to master historiography independently
Dissertation and defense Acquiring a topic: consultation with adviser, research and reading courses, pre-dissertation research Committee: diss comm formed after prelims; can have outside members Defense: pre-defense required 6 months prior to defense; 2-hour oral defense
Optional other Commonalities Teaching Approximately 40 TAs (inc. 7 graders) Pros: financial aid, experience, morale Cons: balancing teaching vs. research for dept. and students New TA coordinator positions (2000) Do we need more on teaching? (AHA)
Innovation Funding for pre-dissertation research $800-1,200 to support summer research ( basically for all comers) Helps for grant applications, better conceptualization of dissertation and research results Better dissertations=better jobs!
Novel Idea Reduce time to ABD MAs now complete 10 courses and BAs 13, plus up to a year on prelims Diss research delayed until 5 th year Idea: Reduce course load, streamline prelims, thereby increase focus on research and writing Alternative : Make research more central to coursework before prelims