Structure of Swarm Simulation for Luquillo Biocomplexity Project Paul Box Praveena Pepalla Utah State University January 2004
Main Components " Landscape (Cell Surface) " Cells " Roads " Rivers " Human " Shrimp & other swimming things All components act autonomously, and interact simultaneously
Main Components: Landscape Cell Surface: Acts as platform for cells
Main Components: Landscape Cell Surface: Acts as platform for cells Cell: portion of landscape where all "intersting" landscape dynamics happen
Main Components: Landscape Cell Surface: Acts as platform for cells Cell: portion of landscape where all "intersting" landscape dynamics happen
Main Components: Landscape Cell: portion of landscape where all "intersting" landscape dynamics happen
Main Components: Cell Cell: has elevation, slope, aspect flow direction landcover type (river, road, barren area, forested area, etc....) Knows which Cells are upstream and downstream Can transfer material between cells (water, runoff, etc.)
Main Components: River A river is an ordered list of cells, with special properties of rivers Knows upstream and downstream cells within itself knows which land cells are flowing into it
Each River cell will contain a collection of river segments, representing relatively homogeneous sections of depth, current, or other features that matter to a shrimp
Main Components: Roads
road node Roads are segments which pass over cells, but are somehow distinct Road network is connected by a series of nodes
Main Components: Roads road node Agents passing along roads are aware of the cells over which they are passing
Main Components: Roads road node Cells that have both road on top and are river cell become river/road nodes as described in the proposal
Main Components: Roads road node Cells that have both road on top and are river cell become river/road nodes as described in the proposal This is fundamentally different from a road network node as described for the road network...
Main Components: Humans
Shrimp and other swimming things swim through the river segments..