Lee County Water Resource Initiative: Community Sustainability Committee June 16, 2010 Kurt Harclerode Operations Manager Lee County Natural Resources Division
Overview Launched in 2005 Issues, Updates and Accomplishments Issues on the Horizon: 2010 Water Resource Initiatives and Challenges
The River is Central To Our Economy Our first “Highway” Central to our ecotourism-based economy Its management is central to the success of our fishing industry When it suffers, we suffer
Too Much, the Water Turns Red
Too Little or Too Much and the Water Turns Green
Our Industry: Tourism A $3 billion a year industry, tourism is attracted primarily to the coast Surveys here and elsewhere depict impacts as high as 35% on lodging and 29% on restaurants Using an impact of 20% during a 2 month red tide, Lee County suffered a $90 million loss
Lee County Water Resource Protection Initiative: Key Goals Implementation of Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (“CERP”) Watershed approach for Protection of Caloosahatchee River & Estuary Water Quality and Water Quantity Projects State Legislation Public, Environmental and Elected Official Outreach
Goals and Accomplishments Caloosahatchee West Basin Storage Reservoir (The C-43 Project) Phase II PIR (The Water Quality Project) Southwest Florida Feasibility Study Southern Flow-way/Storage – The River of Grass / U.S. Sugar Deal
Caloosahatchee River West Basin Storage Reservoir Project (The C-43 Project) Provide essential flows during the dry season resulting in improved salinity balance and ecological health of the Caloosahatchee The Federal and State governments have invested over $200 million in land acquisition and engineering costs
C-43 Phase II PIR (Water Quality Treatment ) Commitment for Phase II of project to address upper basin needs (storage and water quality) Test Cell project (for water quality analysis BOMA 1,770 acres). Permits obtained (ready to go). C-43 Project – Log jam resolved: Chief’s Report approved by Corps Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Potential WRDA 2010
Northern Everglades and Estuary Protection Act (NEEPA) Created the Caloosahatchee River Watershed Protection Plan. Contains major initiatives and programs Watershed Construction Projects Watershed Pollutant Control Program Watershed Research and Water Quality Monitoring Program
Caloosahatchee River Watershed Protection Plan – Job Done Accepted by the Lee County Commission and the SFWMD Governing Board in January, 2009 Accepted by the 2009 State Legislature
What’s Next? 2010 Priorities Almost every year the Caloosahatchee has exceedances or violations of minimum and maximum surface water flows Significant Regulatory, Planning and Project Initiatives are underway and needed.
Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule Corps developed new Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule ( ) Extensive written comments and advocacy to achieve best schedule for Caloosahatchee – LORS 2008 – Reduces damaging wet season discharges – Low Flows for dry season
What’s Next? 2010 Priorities Caloosahatchee River Watershed Protection Plan – Implementation and funding Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule – Development of Adaptive Protocols for new Schedule to address lower Lake levels and deliveries to prevent environmental harm to Caloosahatchee Estuary
Future Needs and Challenges: Caloosahatchee Watershed Regulatory/Permitting Issues Basin Permitting Programs New versus existing land uses
2010 Priorities C-43 Project: Congressional Authorization and Implementation Phase II: Expedite and Implement Project Implementation Report (PIR) C-43 Project Phase II – Water Quality Component Prioritizing and funding
2010 Priorities Water supply for Caloosahatchee: – Water Reservations Water Quality: – Finalize TMDLs – Develop BMAP to implement TMDLs – Basin Rules – Numeric Nutrient Criteria – Funding and construction of BOMA
2010 Priorities Completion of the SWFFS Implementation and funding of the CRWPP Adaptive Protocols to deliver Lake Okeechobee water during dry times