Ayas and Capitanata – Stage 1 Andrea Castelletti Politecnico di Milano NRMP01
2 1. Reconnaissance Stakeholders 2. Conceptualisation yes Final (political) decision 6. Comparison and negotiation compromise alternatives 3. Alternative design 4. Estimation of the effects 5. Evaluation of the alternatives Acceptable consensus? no Mitigation, compensation, new alternatives Understanding the system Identifying stakeholders System definition in time and space Institutional and legal analysis Setting up the Objectives …
In the upper part of Val d’Ayas (Italy) the hydropower company has recently proposed the construction of a new run-of-river power plant which should exploit the water from three rivers as in the figure. A water work feeding the town of S.Vincent is located on the the Cortoz river near Cortoz. Goal: to asses the impact of the project, to set up the negotiations with the township of S.Vincent and to evaluate the opportunity of creating a reservoir in S. 3 Ayas S.Jacques Vasé Cortòz Ru Cortòz (a S.Vincént) Evancon S
4 Ayas Pian di Veraz S.Jacques Vasé Cortòz Ru Cortòz (a S.Vincént) Evancon S
5 Capitanata In the figure is a simplified scheme of the Capitanata water system (Italy) composed of the water reservoir (A) and the relevant distribution network. Goal: To assess whether the construction of a new reservoir in B (to be sized) is a valuable solution to reduce floods on the river between B and C. Note that: the river ends (floods) in a wetland area particularly important for the environment conservation, especially as an area of resting for migration birds; a canal can be built to connect the river to the distribution network sea B C A
6 Capitanata..... sea B C A