Taylor’s river project Year 6 B
The Mississippi River. The Mississippi river is About 2,320 miles (3,730 km) long.
Source The source of the Mississippi River is Lake Itasca in Minnesota. The river is wide and clean and home to many living things… for example, alligators and many different types of fish.
Cities The major cities that the Mississippi River runs though are the jazz city of New Orleans and Louisiana.
Estuary The Mississippi Rivers estuary is in the Gulf Mexico . (yes it did get effected by the oil spill .) At the end of the Mississippi River it is wide and muddy this is caused by the silt .(the silt is mud and dirt from the upper parts of the river when the current is strong it lifts the dirt off the bottom of the river, it carries the dirt to the end of the river and makes the end of the river very muddy and dirty .)
The River Thames in England is about 210 miles long and the longest in England alone. The Mississippi river is much longer than the River Thames (about 2,320 miles long)
Tributaries The major tributaries of the Mississippi river are the Missouri (to the west) and the Ohio ( to the east ) . They drain water into the Mississippi river .
Is the Mississippi River polluted? Yes ! The Mississippi River is ranked most polluted in America about 1.5 billion pounds of toxic pollution from 1990 to 1994 was let into the U.S waters about half ( 702 million pounds ) floated into the Mississippi River more than 2x the amount of all the other waters put together. Research shows that in the 1990’s the toxic pollution poised the fish and killed thousands of fish and mostly the poison got the shell fish. So when the humans caught the shell fish the humans got poisoned - this poison could give you memory loss or even death .
Pollution The Mississippi delta. The polluted Mississippi river .
Water falls There are 29 dams and locks on the Mississippi River and 221 bridges cross it , there are eight water falls on the river . The most famous water fall is the Minnehaha .
Contrasts The Mississippi River is the 2nd longest River in America at 3,766km (2,340 miles ) The Niagara River is only 35miles long but is famous for Niagara falls. The Colorado River is 1,450 miles long and covers a lot of land and has lots of canyons along the it . The Columbia River is very wide and fast flowing it is very good for fishing, it is 1,152 miles long . Like the Mississippi River , people are using it for transporting goods from one place to an other and supplies water for near by towns and business .
Key features Lake Itasca ( the source ) Minnehaha ( water fall) Gulf of Mexico ( estuary)
Mississippi river The Mississippi is unique because it has the most draining water into it in America , It is the most polluted river in America , it is the 6th most fastest flowing in the world and 50 cities rely on the Mississippi for daily water.
Thank you for listening I hope you enjoyed learning about the Mississippi river .
Websites Wiki answers Cha cha.com Wikipedia green nature.com/article 620.html Cgee.hamline.edu/rivers/recources/river_ profiles /mississippi.html www.caleuche.com/River/riverfacts.htm Illinois.sierraclub.org/piaspapalisades/mississ.htm www.pollutionissues.com/ve-z/water-pollutionmarine.html