RETURN! The Story Continues…
INTRO: JUDAH RETURNS HOME! GOD SENT….. Nehemiah to rebuild the walls. Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple. Ezra to rebuild the hearts.
I. If we will return our hearts to God, He will restore our fortune. Joel 2:13-14 Deut. 30:1-5
II. If we will return our homes to God, He will restore our family. Malachi 4:6 Mark 5:18-20
III. When Jesus returns for us, He will restore our future! John 14:1-3 1 Thess. 4:13-18
Personal: Make the decision to return your heart. Establish habits to reflect your return. Start today! Family: Consistently bless your family. Blessings can take seconds but last a lifetime. Start today!