Hierarchy Chapter 5 Lesson 1
The Sacrament of Holy Orders Instituted by Christ at the Last Supper with the words “Do this in remembrance of me.” Matter: man Form: prayer of ordination Minister: bishop Three degrees: bishop, priest, and deacon
Christ has supernatural authority We know this by his power to perform miracles, forgive sins, and reveal God. We can see it in his plan for salvation and by his Resurrection. He said that all authority on heaven and earth had been given to him. Using this authority, he founded the Church upon the apostles.
The Church has a hierarchy: The Pope and bishops in union with him. This ranking comes from Christ. He provided the original hierarchical structure which has developed over time with the needs of the Church.
The Pope is the head of the hierarchy This is called the primacy of Peter, since the Pope is the successor of Peter. He holds the primary authority to teach, govern, and sanctify all members of the Church. His is the visible head of the Church, representing Christ (the invisible head) on earth. He is Servus Servorum Dei which means servant of the servants of God.
Bishops United with the Pope are the bishops (successors of the apostles). Each bishop has his authority form Christ. Each bishop is responsible for governing a local church (diocese).
Priests and Deacons They share in the sacrament of Holy Orders. Are dependent upon their bishop Are his representatives to the parishes in his diocese Share in the teaching, sanctifying, and governing ministry of the bishop Promise obedience to the bishop in their ordinations
Servus Servorum Dei The office of the papacy has many titles. We may refer to the man who holds it as Pope, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, Supreme Pontiff, Successor of Peter, Holy Father, etc. Another traditional title is Servus Servorum Dei, which is Latin for Servant of the servants of God. Pope Gregory the Great ( ) was the first to use this title commonly. It refers to the humility of the office, and reminds us that we are servants of God and that God instituted the papacy to help us on our way to him. Just like Jesus, Christ’s Vicar is here “not to be served, but to serve” (Mt 20:28).