joining the dots FFT aspire: an overview Anne Pepper FFT Associate 1 Essex LA – Schools Hands On June 2015
joining the dots FFT aspire new for 2014/15 Evaluating school performance (and key concepts) –Self – evaluation and hands-on –Target setting and hands-on Other new elements in brief: –Benchmarks –Collaborate –Student Explorer You are welcome to discuss your data specific questions either at a break or the end with the associate. Your session 2
joining the dots 2014/15 roll out latest news For latest details please refer to or Collaborate Student explorer Export s Data managemen t UPN import tool KS1, KS2, KS4, KS5 subject dashboards Governor dashboards KS2 summary dashboard KS4 summary dashboard KS1 summary dashboard KS1 & KS54 benchmarks & targets Analysis screens for benchmarks & targets Additional dashboard screens LA dashboard LA virtual Introducing… KS2 & KS4 benchmarks & targets
joining the dots Some rules of engagement for today There are no silly questions - please ask. Someone else is probably very grateful to you! There is no magic wand! There is no crystal ball! Data is a signpost – not a destination! Data causes us to ask questions, on its own data does not do anything, it needs to be acted on 4
joining the dots 5
Illustrative design & data only Pupil premium Lower attainers Boys Weaker groups Mathematics ( ) 4+ 89% Maths Expected progressMaths Average Level Evaluating performance Benchmarks and target setting Student explorer Introducing…
joining the dots Illustrative design & data only 4+ 89% Maths Expected progressMaths Average Level Extensive range of end of KS1 and KS2 indicators Attainment, achievement (pupils’ progress – as VA & CVA).org Introducing…
joining the dots Illustrative design & data only 4+ 89% Maths Expected progressMaths Average Level New measures for 2016 accountability & benchmarks Awaiting further announcements to develop for potential 2015 Introducing…
joining the dots KS4 FFT Summer developments pending OfQual and DfE announcements Target setting FFT benchmark estimates for all pupils in every subject (used to support setting of challenging and aspirational targets) Attainment 8 benchmark estimates for school alongside existing performance indicators If teachers set targets for every pupil in Aspire, we will aggregate targets, calculate Attainment 8 (based on targets) and compare to FFT benchmark estimates Show GCSE estimates as A*-G or 1-9 from September 2015 Self evaluation Attainment and progress 8 in new dashboards Subject value added (pupil progress in every subject): FFT is unique in providing subject VA for all subjects Schools should focus on ensuring pupils are on right courses and that pupils in every subject are make progress in line with national average 10
joining the dots 5 A*-C incl. En Ma Average point scores VA APS Basics Subject residuals 3 levels gain (EP) 5 A* - G VA measures CVA measures The many ways to measure success 11 Public accountability Self evaluation School development now Progress 8 Attainment 8 Ebacc A*-C EnMa Destination? VA measures CVA measures 2016
joining the dots FFT - KS2 In Autumn 2015 benchmark estimates as will be provided as: Levels Scaled scores ‘At, above, below’ expected level (and/or new TA bands) We are waiting for more information to be published about new tests and percentages of pupils likely to achieve the expected standard 12
joining the dots Scaled Scores DfE have said that details likely to be announced in June / July 2015 Until then, what do we know? Test outcomes will be reported using a scaled score Scaled Scores are NOT the same as age- standardised scores The scaled score MIGHT be set so that a score of 100 is about the same level as current 4B 13
joining the dots KS2 example The many ways to measure success 14 L4+ R,W & Maths 2 Levels Expected progress Average point score Above expected standard Average score now 2016 Public accountability Self evaluation School development
joining the dots Why doesn’t FFT…….? 15 Comparisons to national data? parents Ofsted inspectors governors public accountability school leaders
joining the dots FFT aspire and self evaluation Key benefits Aspire contains data on actual attainment, value added and contextual value added so provides a much broader overview of attainment and progress Ease of navigation and interpretation - an overview of school performance can be quickly painted Wide range of indicators, consistently calculated for a number of years. Also includes developmental indicators (e.g. Attainment 8) Compare any group of pupils at your school to the national average for that group Ofsted… ‘Inspectors should use a range of data to judge a school’s performance…’ ‘No single measure or indicator determines judgements, particularly since much of the data may be historical and relate to pupils that have left the school.’ Data is used to ‘Check the robustness and accuracy of the school’s self-evaluation…’ ‘Where numbers of pupils are small and achievement fluctuates…..consider any available data of aggregated performance for consecutive cohorts’ e.g ‘Schools may present a brief written summary of their self-evaluation to inspectors.’
joining the dots FFT analysis Professional Judgement Challenge assumptions Managing the data 17 Hard ‘data’ sources – RAISEonline, tracking etc. Action and further work Check accuracy
joining the dots Value added 18 Attainment Time Attainment based on typical national progress with similar prior attainment Actual attainment is below the average of pupils with similar prior attainment Actual attainment is above the average of pupils with similar prior attainment Prior attainment: KS2 scores & assessments KS4 subject grades Above FFT benchmark Below FFT benchmark
joining the dots Value added 19 Actual attainment above FFT benchmark estimate (above average progress) Actual attainment below FFT benchmark estimate (below average progress) Value added results
joining the dots KS2 example Value added 20 Actual attainment above FFT benchmark estimate (above average progress) Actual attainment below FFT benchmark estimate (below average progress) Value added results Actual attainment of these pupils Actual Subject dashboard extract
joining the dots KS4 example Value added 21 Actual attainment above FFT benchmark estimate (above average progress) Actual attainment below FFT benchmark estimate (below average progress) Value added results Actual attainment of these pupils Actual Subject dashboard extract
joining the dots The two FFT value added models Pupil context factorsValue addedContextual Value added Prior attainment Subject variations Gender Month of Birth EAL FSM SEN Ethnicity Mobility (joined late / time in school) School context factors Mean Intake TA Level Spread of Intake Test Level FSM Entitlement (Percentile Rank) Geodemographic Data (Percentile Rank) What does CVA tell you? What does VA tell you? Consider the pros & cons of each Compares progress of similar pupils Compares progress made by pupils from a similar starting point
joining the dots Significance (incl some changes in approach) ‘Variation’ not by chance Results are significantly below the national average National average Significantly below Significantly above Results are significantly above the national average Results are in line with the national average / group size too small to make judgment The result is a significant rise from last year. The result is a significant fall from last year.
joining the dots Security fft aspire School and pupil performance data Self evaluation & target setting reports Summary, subject & pupil level reports Available online at fft for administrators Secure administration & management for FFT data Meeting the latest requirements and best practice to keep pupil data secure Setting up and management of accounts No pupil information held here Available online at
joining the dots administration 3 steps to setting up an account Using the fft for administrators site
joining the dots Online session to analyse self evaluation dashboards Evaluating school performance
joining the dots
Introducing the new approach of average, high and very high Decide upon the challenge Overview of target setting analysis reports including aggregations to be released Benchmarks and target setting for your school
joining the dots benchmarks Apply average challenge 50 Representing outcomes based on schools ranked at the 50 th percentile for progress.
joining the dots benchmarks Apply high challenge 20 Representing outcomes based on schools ranked at the 20 th percentile for progress.
joining the dots benchmarks even more challenge Apply very high challenge 5 Representing outcomes based on schools ranked at the 5 th percentile for progress.
joining the dots benchmarks even more challenge Apply very high challenge + 5 You can even add 1 level or grade using the settings in the FFT administration site to go even higher!
joining the dots FFTLive to FFT aspire benchmarks The challenge slider FFT aspire FFTLive Comparing your pupil (taking account of their starting points) with typical outcomes in schools across the country who make average progress. Comparing your pupil (taking account of their starting points) with typical outcomes in schools across the country who make high progress. Comparing your pupil (taking account of their starting points) with typical outcomes in schools across the country who make very high progress.
joining the dots Seven-things-you-might-not-know-about-our-schools
joining the dots Why its more than a straight line?
joining the dots Why its more than a straight line?
joining the dots Why its more than a straight line?
joining the dots Why its more than a straight line?
joining the dots Benchmarks and targets 39
joining the dots Using benchmarks, setting targets in Online session reviewing benchmarks Considering approaches to set targets
joining the dots
administration Extra options via FFT administration site 42 Manage benchmarks for individual subjects and year groups Predefine levels of challenge Turn on or off target setting functionality Select subjects and year groups available Prepopulate targets Ability for users not to edit targets
joining the dots administration Options for pre-population found in the FFT administration site Ideal if you require performance above 5% nationally FFT default Other options requested – think carefully about the impact these will make FFT default Option if more control required
joining the dots Overview of student explorer release – this week Aggregated Benchmarks
joining the dots KS4 example
joining the dots KS4 example
joining the dots KS2 example
joining the dots Overview collaborate functionality now out Collaborate
joining the dots Overview data for the group of schools
joining the dots a range of reports including a school list
joining the dots Subject dashboards with a range of reports
joining the dots Overview of student explorer release – this week Student explorer
joining the dots Student Explorer: Pupil List
joining the dots Next steps… 1.What will be the most useful thing for you in FFT aspire? 2.How will you use the data? (Issues - comparisons between subjects? Good or bad?) 3.What will be your next step? (What will you do first) 4.How are you going to disseminate this? 5.Significance and value added - what will you do about sharing these concepts?
joining the dots Next steps? for you - for your school, SLT, teachers, governors? Questions?......
joining the dots Updates Post course resources ed out by Simon Feedback Now via the managed bookmark link on later the Chromebooks or via the link on the post course FFT blogs and research FFT training and conference programme FFT administration login FFT aspire login