Eight Significant Changes in Worship From: C. Peter Wagner, The New Apostolic Churches, Regal Books, 1998
Within the Larger Context of “Organic/Process Leadership” (Bob Dale) From To Lines Circles Answers Questions Fixed Rules Flexible Relationships Levers Links “By the Book” “Go with the flow” Science Art Skills Craft
Plugged-In Worship Plugged into 3 important power sources: The Holy Spirit Contemporary culture The sound system
Worship as a Means of the Church’s Mission “Mission-first” churches want to grow and are willing to pay the price for growth Intentional outreach focus on 4 main tasks : expanding the local church planting new churches mercy ministries in surrounding communities cross-cultural missions
Timeless Message... Updated Methodology Attitude: “If God has given us a job to do, let’s do it!” Attitude: “If a methodology doesn’t work, let’s scrap it!” Attitude: “God’s ways of doing God’s work are different among different groups of God’s people.”
From To Classical Performance Hymns Pipe organ Cerebral Awe of God Liturgy Meditation Contextual Participation Songs Percussion Celebration Intimacy with God Liberty Mission
Classical Contextual From historical to (post)modern expressions of faith Check the dates of the music from last Sunday -- anything written since 1990? Personal musical tastes discounted for mission
Performance Participation Premium not on music leader’s technical proficiency as much as ability to lead people into the presence of God Effectiveness not measured by leader’s voice or playing but by congregation’s involvement
Hymns Songs “ … with gratitude in your hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.” Colossians 3:17 Learning to include all 3 Weighted toward what type most helps people connect with God
Pipe organ Percussion < 2% of all music sold in U.S. is organ music On other hand, top 40, country, rock drum driven, guitar oriented Without a certain volume and beat, the generation born since 1945 does not connect musically
Cerebral Celebration Enlightenment premium on rational to postmodern premium on experiential More accessible to the young Thinking Feeling “The Experience Economy” From “astronomer” to “astronaut”
Awe of God Intimacy w/God From God as “president” to God as “dear friend” From least expressive to most expressive From withdrawal to intense encounter
Liturgy Liberty From comfort in stability and sameness to comfort in flexibility and versatility Caveat: even liberty expressions can become “ritual/liturgy”
Meditation Mission From emphasis on reflection to emphasis on action Worship not completed inside of sanctuary Worship as equipping for mission
Questions for Evaluation Which elements of worship are (not) helping people connect in a profound experience with God? How is worship at our church equipping people to carry out God’s mission for our church?
From To Classical Performance Hymns Pipe organ Cerebral Awe of God Liturgy Meditation Contextual Participation Songs Percussion Celebration Intimacy with God Liberty Mission
Eight Significant Changes in Worship Dr. John P. Chandler Copyright John P. Chandler, 2001