Johnny Cash An American legend
Johnny Cash Johnny Cash was born on February 26, He was born in Kingsland Arkansas. Johnny Cash was born on February 26, He was born in Kingsland Arkansas.
The music began He began playing guitar at the age of 12. Inspired by country gospel he chose to follow the music as his career. He began playing guitar at the age of 12. Inspired by country gospel he chose to follow the music as his career.
Finding a career Johnny Cash new that becoming a country rock star was slim so from , he went into the United States air force. When he got back he later worked as an appliance salesmen. Johnny Cash new that becoming a country rock star was slim so from , he went into the United States air force. When he got back he later worked as an appliance salesmen.
Hit it off Johnny Cash had released his first album in 1955 called “hey potter.” Since then he released several more songs including; “cry cry cry”, “Folsom Prison Blues”, and “I walk the line”. Johnny Cash had released his first album in 1955 called “hey potter.” Since then he released several more songs including; “cry cry cry”, “Folsom Prison Blues”, and “I walk the line”.
Johnny Cash Interview
The legend In the 90s Cash was suffering from a rare disorder called shy-drager syndrome. He later died from complications with diabetes on September 13, But we will always remember the legend. In the 90s Cash was suffering from a rare disorder called shy-drager syndrome. He later died from complications with diabetes on September 13, But we will always remember the legend.