Amy Wilkinson CIS1020 Section 25 August 3, 2011
This chart represents the effects of an unspayed female and her mate. In eight years, more than 2 million kittens will be born if none of the offspring are spayed or neutered.
Humane Society of Utah DogsSpay CostNeuter Cost < 50 lbs.$50$ lbs.$60$ lbs.$70$ lbs.$80$ lbs.$100 + $1 per lb. over CatsSpay CostNeuter Cost All sizes$35$ South 300 West Murray, UT Phone: (801)
No More Homeless Pets Offer ‘Free Fix’ vouchers for those on financial assistance. Organize “Big Fix” events for discounted services South 700 East Sandy, UT Phone: (801)
Female Pets: Prevent uterine infections Prevent breast cancer 50% fatal in dogs and 90% fatal in cats! Male Pets: Prevent testicular cancer Prevent prostate tumors and infection
Unneutered dogs will go to great lengths to find a mate including: Digging under fences Jumping fences Bolting out the front door Risks: Getting lost Fighting Being injured or killed in traffic
Pet Aggression Consequences: Injury to pet or humans Costly veterinary and medical bills Court battles and fines Euthanasia Emotional trauma Avoid aggression problems – Neuter by 6 months!
Growling Guarding possessions Snapping Snarling Aggressive barking Lunging on or off the leash with barking or growling Biting
Unneutered dogs and cats are more likely to mark their territory all over your house. Neuter early (by age six months): Keep marking from becoming a habit Avoid unwanted odors Save money on cleaning expenses
“Heat” refers to the mating period after the female ovulation cycle Typical heat for dogs lasts 4 to 5 days Typical heat for cats lasts 15 to 22 days Female cats loudly meow and urinate more frequently to attract mates
Millions of cats and dogs are euthanized each year due to unplanned litters. 20,000 cats are killed each year in Utah shelters alone!
Please do your part in keeping our pets healthy and happy! Get your pet spayed or neutered and share this information with a friend!