Microprocessors Tutorial 2: Arduino Robotics
Agenda 1. Robot Anatomy 2. Sensor Review 3. PWM 4. MAKE: Fade 5. Motors 6. H Bridge 7. Robot Control library 8. MAKE: Robot react 9. Challenge: Solve Maze 10. Links
Robot Anatomy
Sensor Review Analog Arduino mapping: 0-5V connections: V+, pin, GND Serial Monitor: Use Serial.begin(9600) to start communication Use custom function serialOutputValue(“msg”, value) to see sensor value in serial monitor This robot has IR range sensor: Outputs V ( in Arduino) Peaks at 15cm, farther objects create lower voltage BUT code inverts relationship!
Pulse Width Modulation Duty cycle = percentage of time signal is positive in square wave Min-Max voltage: 0 – 5v Min-Max Arduino mapping: 0 – 255 PWM pins have a ~ on Arduino 10% average 50% average 90% average
Make: Fade Use analogWrite(pin, value) to fade light on/off using for loop to vary value Remember PWM range is Recall LED connection: long leg = positive small resistor in series necessary Use PWM to 1. fade the led from 0 to full in 5 seconds, 2. hold for 2 secs, 3. fade back down in 7 seconds. Then each loop would do it faster and faster or brighter and brighter! Challenge: Fade Increments
Motors They draw more current than USB/Arduino can supply (40mA per pin, 200mA in total) so need another power supply: batteries Current through in 1 direction turns them in 1 direction More voltage = More speed, how to control voltage? Use electronically controlled switch (transistor) between motor and batteries Use PWM pin to control switch Motors in this robot run on V and have a peak current of 1A.
H- Bridge Used to make 1 motor turn in either direction by directing current use 4 switches controlled by 2 signals
H- Bridge The IC we will use (SN754410N) has 2 H-Bridges to control 2 motors PWM is used here at the enable pin to control speed A
CHALLENGE: solve the maze! Create your own algorithm to beat the maze using Example 0: Template Or start from our other example codes Example 4, 5, 6
Useful Links Arduino Examples MAKE projects ojects Jeremy Blum Tutorials (#5: motors and transistors)
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?