Suppl Fig. 1a The clinical protocol is shown schematically.
Suppl Fig. 1b The CONSORT diagram of the study enrollment. Screened for eligibility (n=19) Excluded (n=5) Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=5) Declined to participate (n=0) Died prior to enrolment (n=0) Enrolled (n=14) Randomized to Arm 2 (n=7) Removed from study prior to vaccination (n=1) - Developed active lung infection (n=1) Received any vaccines (n=6) Recurred after 1 vaccination (n=1) Included in analysis (n=5) Received any vaccines (n=5) Recurred after 2 vaccinations (n=1) Randomized to Arm 1 (n=7) Removed from study prior to vaccination (n=2) - Disease progression during vaccine production (n=1) - Developed dermatomyositis (n=1) Included in analysis (n=5)