QUADCOPTER- Vision Based Object Tracking By By Pushyami Kaveti Pushyami Kaveti
Summary - Basic Idea of the Project - Components required - Tentative Plan - Challenges & Areas of Strength - Conclusion
Basic Idea What ? -A QuadCopter -A QuadCopterWorking - Detect a Target - Detect a Target - Track the target while moving - Track the target while moving - Follow the target at safe distance - Follow the target at safe distance
How ?? Hardware - The Body (Frame, props etc) - The Body (Frame, props etc) - Electronics (Odroid, autopilot etc) - Electronics (Odroid, autopilot etc) - Sensors (Camera, Ultrasonic) - Sensors (Camera, Ultrasonic) Software -Computer Vision & Computational Geometry Libraries -Computer Vision & Computational Geometry Libraries OpenCV, OpenTL, BoofCV etc OpenCV, OpenTL, BoofCV etc - Ros Robot Operating System - Ros Robot Operating System
Tentative Plan - Research on design, assembling, dynamics - Get to know about low-level programming, board configuration, software tools required - Get the hardware and assemble the quadcopter - Basic testing with simple actions, write simple programs -Iterative and agile design, development and testing - Final demo
Challenges & Areas of Strength Challenges - All about hardware - All about hardware - Lack of experience - Lack of experience Areas of Strength - Software - Software
Conclusion - Progress So far - Ambitious Project - Scope for future Work