AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 2; 08/25/15 Basics of Functions and Their Graphs; Pg LEARNING OBJECTIVES:. Find the domain and range of a relation. Determine whether a relation is a function. Determine whether an equation represents a function. Evaluate a function. ACTIVITIES: Power Point presentation on “Basic functions and their graphs”. C/W Pg. 159 #6 – 26 (even) HOME LEARNING: Pg. 159 #27 – 33
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 03; 08/26/15 Basics of Functions and Their Graphs; Pg MAFS.912.F-IF.1.2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Graph functions by plotting points. Use the vertical line test to identify functions. Obtain information about a function from its graph. Identify the domain and the range of a function from its graph. Identify the intercepts from a function’s graph. ACTIVITIES: Pg. 159 #6 – 26 (EVEN) C/W Pg. 160 # 34 – 38 (ALL), HOME LEARNING: Pg. 160; #40 – 50 (EVEN).
AGENDA: PRECALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 04; 08/27/15 Basics of Functions and Their Graphs; Pg ; MACC.912.F-IF.2.5 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Graph functions by plotting points. Identify the function’s domain, range, the x-and y-intercepts of a function from its graph. ACTIVITIES: Collect Pg. 159 #6 – 26 (even) & 34 – 38 (all); Discuss Pg. 160 #40 – 50 (even). C/W: Pg. 160 # 51 – 70 (all). HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRECALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 5; 08/28/15 JOURNAL WRITING: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Write definitions of Functions, Relations, & Function Graphs. Describe an everyday situation between variables that is a function. MAFS.912.F-BF.2.3 ACTIVITIES: Pg. 163; Select a test item between # 109 – 116 and write your journal on the given topic. HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRECALCULUS HONORS. MON.; DAY 6; 08/31/15 MORE FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS: PG. 164 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify intervals on which a function increases, decreases, or is constant. MAFS.K12.MP.4: Determine whether the function is EVEN, ODD or NEITHER ACTIVITIES: Model examples for locating intervals for increasing and decreasing functions, Also, notes on EVEN, ODD, and ODD functions. Pg. 173; #1 – 16 (all). Worksheet on Basic Functions and their Graphs. HOME LEARNING: Review worksheet for homework. QUIZ ON TUESDAY; 9/01/15; [BASIC FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS]
AGENDA: PRECALCULUS HONORS. TUE.; DAY 7; 09/01/15 MORE FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS: PG. 164 – 177. – QUIZ ON BASIC OF FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Graph functions by plotting points. Use the vertical line test to identify functions. Obtain information about a function from its graph. Identify the domain and the range of a function from its graph. Identify the intercepts from a function’s graph. ACTIVITIES: QUIZ #1. Classwork: Pg. 173 #17 – 28 (all) HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. [WED; DAY 8; 09/02/15. Simplify. MORE FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS: PG. 164 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify even or odd functions and recognize their symmetries, domain, range, increasing, and decreasing intervals. MACC.912.F-IF.2.5 ACTIVITIES: Discuss: Pg. 173; # (ALL) Classwork; Pg. 173# 29 – 36 (ALL) HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONOR S. [THUR.; DAY 9; 09/03/15 MORE FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS: PG. 164 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Evaluate piecewise functions. Use a graph to determine the function’s range, domain, x-intercept, y- intercept, etc. ACTIVITIES: Notes on piecewise functions. Class work: Pg. 175; # (Even). HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI.; DAY 10; 09/04/15 MORE FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPHS: PG. 164 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Evaluate piecewise functions. Find and simplify the difference quotient. ACTIVITIES: Collect; Pg. 175; # 38 – 54(even). Classwork: Pg. 175; # 56 – 76 (even) HOME LEARNING: Complete class work if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 11; 09/08/15 FUNCTIONS AND DIFFERENCE QUOTIENTS: PG. 171 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find and simplify the difference quotient. MAFS.K12.MP.7: Look for and make use of structure. ACTIVITIES: Complete: Pg. 175; # 56 – 76 (even), and # (all) HOME LEARNING: Review for test on Thursday. (SEE REVIEW PACKET ONLINE)
Find where the graph is increasing? Where is it decreasing? Where is it constant? Where are the relative minimums? Where are the relative maximums?
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 12; 09/09/15 FUNCTIONS AND DIFFERENCE QUOTIENTS: PG. 171 – 177. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find and simplify the difference quotient. MAFS.K12.MP.7: Look for and make use of structure. ACTIVITIES: Discuss: Pg. 175; 77 – 90 (ALL). C/W: PG # TEST ON THURSDAY: (CHAPTER 1: SECTIONS ) HOME LEARNING: TEST ON THURSDAY (9/10/15).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 13; 09/10/15 FUNCTIONS & THEIR GRAPH; FUNCTIONS AND DIFFERENCE QUOTIENTS; PIECEWISE FUNCTIONS. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F-IF.1.2 Find and simplify the difference quotient. Evaluate piecewise functions. MAFS.K12.MP.7 Use a graph to determine the function’s range, domain, x- intercept, y-intercept, etc. ACTIVITIES: TEST #1 HOME LEARNING: Pg. 177; # 91 – 99 (all);
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 14; 09/11/15 LINEAR FUNCTIONS AND SLOPE: Pg ; LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Calculate a Line’s Slope Write and Graph Linear Equations MAFS.K12.MP.1; : Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ACTIVITIES: Notes on Linear Functions and Slope: Classwork: Pg ; #10, 14, 20, 24, 28, 30, 35, 36,37,38. HOME LEARNING: Pg. 189 # 41 – 48 (all); Use Graph Paper.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 15; 09/15/15 LINEAR FUNCTIONS AND SLOPE: Pg ; LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Calculate a Line’s Slope Write and Graph Linear Equations MAFS.K12.MP.1; : Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. ACTIVITIES: Pg. 189 # 50 – 72(even) Use graph paper for every item. NO GRAPH PAPER!! NO CREDIT!!! HOME LEARNING: Pg # 73 – 84(ALL).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 16; 09/16/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Write equations in slope- intercept form & Point-slope form. Finding the average Rate of Change, Average Velocity of an object. MAFS.912.F-IF.1.2 MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 ACTIVITIES: Notes on perpendicular, parallel, average rate of change, and average velocity. Pg. 200 # 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20. HOME LEARNING:Pg. 203 # 9 – 24 (all), & # Review for Test on Tuesday (9/22/15).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 17; 09/17/15 TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS; Pg LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 MAFS.912.F-IF.2.5; Using Horizontal & Vertical shifts to graph functions. Use reflections to graph functions. ACTIVITIES: Model examples of transformations of functions. C/W: Pg. 216, #18 – 44 (even); Use GRAPH PAPER. HOME LEARNING: Pg. 216 # 45 – 52(ALL). Use GRAPH PAPER.
PRACTICE GRAPHING TRANSFORMATION OF A CONSTANT FUNCTION Graph the function y = 2. Locate the points (-2, 2); (0, 2); (2, 2); then graph each function of g on Pg. 216 # 1-8. (1) g(x) = f(x) +1 (2) g(x) = f(x) – 1 (3) g(x) = f(x + 1) (4) g(x) = f(x - 1) (5) g(x) = f(x – 1) -2 (6) g(x) = f(-x)
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 18; 09/18/15 TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS; Pg LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 MAFS.912.F-IF.2.5; Graphing square root functions. Use Transformations to graph given functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 216, #18 – 44 (even), & Pg. 216 # (ALL). Classwork: Pg. 216 # (even). HOME LEARNING: REVIEW FOR TEST ON TUESDAY: PG. 271, # (ALL).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 19; 09/21/15 TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS; Pg & Review for Test. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 MAFS.912.F- IF.2.5; Graphing square root functions. Use reflections to graph functions. Use Transformations to graph given functions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss: Pg. 216 # (even).& PG. 271, # (ALL). C/W: Pg. 273 # 64, 67, 70, 74, 77, 84. HOME LEARNING: PG: 275 # 1 – 10 (ALL) Go over your notes from sections 1.4 – 1.6; Remember test is on Tuesday. See Killian website for review packet.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 20; 09/22/15 CHAPTER 1: SECTIONS 1.2 – 1.5 TEST LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Use a graph to determine the function’s range, domain, x-intercept, y-intercept. Calculate a Line’s Slope. Graphing square root functions. Use reflections to graph functions. Use Transformations to graph given functions. Write and Graph Linear Equations ACTIVITIES: Test Chapter ; HOME LEARNING: Journal writing; Pg. 202 #33 – 36. Give examples for each test item. If you have completed your test, begin your journal.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 21; 09/24/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES:. Find the domain of a function. Combine functions using the algebra of functions, specifying domains. ACTIVITIES: Distribute worksheet on transformation. Power point presentation on domain of a function. **Find domains of functions by recognizing categories of functions. CategoryDomain polynomialall real numbers {−∞, ∞} Rationalset denominator ≠ 0 radicalset expression under the radical ≥ 0 HOME LEARNING: Collect Review Packet. ; Pg. 229 # 2 – 30 (EVEN)
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 22; 09/25/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find the domain of a function. Combine functions using the algebra of functions, specifying domains. ACTIVITIES: Power point presentation on domain of a function. C/W; Pg. 230 # 32,36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 58, 62. HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 23; 09/28/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F- IF.2.5Form composite functions. Determine domains for composite functions. Write functions as compositions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 230 # 32,36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 58, 62. C/W: Pg. 230 #66 – 80 (even); HOME LEARNING: Pg. 231, # (all).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 24; 09/29/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F.BF.2.4. Find the inverse of a function. Use the horizontal line test to determine if the function has an inverse function. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 230 #66 – 80 (even) Classwork: Pg. 240 # 2 – 28.(EVEN) HOME LEARNING: pg. 241 #29 – 38 (all) OPEN HOUSE WED. 9/30/15.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 25; 09/30/15 OPEN HOUSE TODAY!!!! LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F.BF.2.4. Verify inverse functions. Use inverse notation to give the domain and range of f and. ACTIVITIES: Discuss: Pg. 240 # 2 – 28.(EVEN), & (all). C/w; Pg. 241 # 39 – 48 (all) EX. #42: The domain of the f(x) function is = to the range of. The range is = to the domain of the. HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 26; 10/01/15 DISTANCE & MIDPOINT FORMULAS; CIRCLES: PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find the distance between two points. Find the midpoint of a line segment. Write the standard form of a circle’s equation. Give the center and radius of a circle whose equation is in standard form. ACTIVITIES: Power Point presentation on distance, mid- point formulas, and equation of circle. Classwork; Pg. 250 # 7, 10, 14, 16, 26, 28, 33, 34, 40. HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 27; 10/02/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find the midpoint, of a line segment, write the standard form of a circle, converting the General Form of a Circle’s Equation to Standard Form. ACTIVITIES: Pg. 250 #42 – 64 (Even) HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 28; 10/05/15 ODD DAY LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Construct functions from verbal descriptions. Construct functions from formulas ACTIVITIES: Notes on modeling functions. Classwork: Pg. 261 #1 – 6 (all), 9, 11, 15, 19. HOME LEARNING: Review for chapter test. Ch. 1. Sections 1.2 – Pg. 273, Lesson 1.7 – 1.10.#s; 88, 89, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 108, 118, 121, 124.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 29; 10/06/15 EVEN DAY LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Construct functions from verbal descriptions. Construct functions from formulas ACTIVITIES: Collect Pg. 250 # 42 – 64 (even) Notes on modeling functions. Classwork: Pg. 261 #1 – 6 (all), 9, 11, 15, 19. Pg. 273, Lesson 1.7 – 1.10.#s; 88, 89, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 108, 118, 121, 124. HOME LEARNING: Review for chapter test. Ch. 1. Sections 1.2 – 1.10.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 30; 10/07/15 CHAPTER 1 REVIEW; OBJECTIVES: Review for chapter test on Tuesday. Recall and apply formulas to solve problems. Construct functions from formulas. ACTIVITIES: Lessons 1.2 – 1.10.#s; Pg # (EVEN) HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 31; 10/08/15 EARLY RELEASE DAY COMPLEX NUMBERS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers. ACTIVITIES: Notes on complex numbers. C/W: Pg.284 #6, 8, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28 HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 32; 10/09/15 COMPLEX NUMBERS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers. ACTIVITIES: COLLECT 10/08/15 WORK. Classwork; Pg. 284 # (even) HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 33; 10/12/15 COMPLEX NUMBERS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Solve quadratic equations with complex imaginary solutions. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 284 # 30 – 60. (even) C/W: Review sheet for test on Tuesday. Chapter 1.2 – HOME LEARNING: Practice for your Chapter 1.2 – 1.10 TEST tomorrow (10/13/15)
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 34; 10/13/15 CHAPTER 1.2 – 1.10 TEST LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MAFS.912.F-IF.2.4 MAFS.912.F-IF.2.5; Graphing square root functions. Use Transformations to graph given functions. Construct functions from formulas. Find the inverse of a function. Use the horizontal line test to determine if the function has an inverse function ACTIVITIES: CHAPTER 1.2 – 1.10 TEST HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 35; 10/14/15 QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Recognize characteristics of parabolas. Graph parabolas. Determine a quadratic function’s minimum or maximum value. ACTIVITIES: C/W: Pg. 298 # 1 – 8(all), & 10 – 28 (EVEN). HOME LEARNING: Complete c/w for H/L if not completed in class
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 36; 10/15/15 QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Find maximum, minimum value. Identify function’s domain. ACTIVITIES: Review maximum and minimum value and function’s domain. Pg. 298 # 40 – 56 (EVEN) HOME LEARNING: Pg. 299 # 57 – 59 (all), & 65 – 70 (ALL).
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 37; 10/16/15 Polynomial Functions & Their Graphs; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify polynomial functions. Recognize characteristics of graphs of polynomial functions. Determine end behavior. Use factoring to find zeros of polynomial functions. ACTIVITIES: Power point presentation on Polynomial Functions & their graphs. Pg. 312 # 2 – 32 (even). HOME LEARNING: Complete c/w for H/L if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 38; 10/19/15. (TEST ON THURSDAY:- 10/22/15) TEST CH. 2.1 – 2.3. Polynomial Functions & Their Graphs; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Recognize characteristics of graphs of polynomial functions. Determine end behavior. Use factoring to find zeros of polynomial functions. Identify zeros and their multiplicities. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem. Understand the relationship between degree and turning points. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 312 # 2 – 32 (Even) C/W: PG # 34 – 46 (EVEN) HOME LEARNING:
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 39; 10/20/15 LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Identify Polynomial functions, determine end behavior. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 312 # (even). C/W: Pg. 313 # 48 – 64 (Even). HOME LEARNING: Pg. 315 # 100 – 107 (all). Pg. 381 # 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24 – 27, 29, [34- 36(EVEN)] TEST ON THURSDAY 10/22/15: CHAPTER 2; SECTIONS 2.1 – 2.3.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 40; 10/21/15 DIVIDING POLYNOMIALS; REMAINDER AND THEOREMS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Use long division to divide polynomials. Use synthetic division to divide polynomials. ACTIVITIES: C/W: Pg. 324 #2 – 16 (even). Pg. 381 # 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24 – 27, 29, [34- 36(EVEN)] HOME LEARNING: Review for:(TEST ON THURSDAY:- 10/22/15) TEST CH. 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 41; 10/22/15 (TEST TODAY: CH. 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Solve quadratic equations with complex imaginary solutions. Recognize characteristics of graphs of polynomial functions. ACTIVITIES: HOME LEARNING: Register with KHANACADEMY.COM
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 42; 10/23/15 DIVIDING POLYNOMIALS; REMAINDER AND THEOREMS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Know and apply the Remainder Theorem. For a polynomial p(x) and a number a, the remainder on division by x-a is p(a), so p(a) = 0 if and only if (x-a) is a factor of p(x). ACTIVITIES: Collect Pg. 324 # (even). Classwork: Pg. 324 # even). HOME LEARNING: Complete Khan academy activity on imaginary & complex numbers.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. MON. DAY 43; 10/26/15 DIVIDING POLYNOMIALS; REMAINDER AND THEOREMS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Use synthetic division to find the solutions for Polynomial functions. ACTIVITIES: Collect worksheet from Friday’s work. Classwork: Pg. 324 # even). HOME LEARNING: Pg.325 # 51 – 54 (all)
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. TUE. DAY 44; 10/27/15 ZEROS OF POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Use the Rational Zero Theorem to find possible rational roots. Find zeros of a polynomial function. ACTIVITIES: Notes of finding rational zeros. C/W Pg. 336 # (even). HOME LEARNING: Complete C/W for H/L if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. WED. DAY 45; 10/28/15 ZEROS OF POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Use the Linear Factorization Theorem to find polynomials with given zeros. Use Descartes’ Rule of Signs. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 336 #10 – 24 (even) C/W Pg. 336 # 26 – 32,(Even) & (all). HOME LEARNING: Complete C/W for H/L if not completed in class.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. THUR. DAY 46; 10/29/15 ZEROS OF POLYNOMIAL FUNCTIONS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Use the Linear Factorization Theorem to find polynomials with given zeros. Use Descartes’ Rule of Signs. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 336 #26 – 32(even), & (all). C/W Pg. 336 # (even). HOME LEARNING: Pg. 339 # 8, 11, 14, 20; 22; 23; 27; 29; 33.
AGENDA: PRE-CALCULUS HONORS. FRI. DAY 47; 10/30/15 RATIONAL FUNCTIONS AND THEIR GRAPHS; PG LEARNING OBJECTIVES: SWBAT: Find the domains of Rational Functions. Use the arrow notation; identify vertical and horizontal asymptotes. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 336 #40 – 52 (even) C/W Pg. 355 # (even). HOME LEARNING: Complete C/W for H/L if not completed in class.