Rupt-to break, burst By: Nevin Vidyarthy
Interrupt To break between, break in-between a conversation. I want to interrupt their conversation.
Bankrupt Ruined of breaking up trader business. I went bankrupt because I spent too much money on video games.
Route A road opened by force. I have to find a route to go home.
disrupt To break apart; break up I don’t want to disrupt class while the teacher is speaking.
Corrupt Altogether or thoroughly broken I hope my Xbox 360 doesn’t corrupt or break.
Routine Follow the beaten path I follow a normal routine when I wake up.
Erupt To break out of. That volcano is going to erupt and kill us all.
Abrupt Breaking away The storm came so abruptly and then went away just as quickly.
Rout To break apart or to defeat totally The football game between the Patriots and the Bills was a complete rout because the score was 42 to 10.
Nondisruptive Didn’t disrupt. I was nondisruptive in class
Rut A path has been broken for constant use I feel like I am in a rut.
Incorrupt Not corrupted or not broken. The Xbox seemed to be incorruptable, so I could keep playing it.
Rupture The result of breaking or bursting open. The police needed to rupture my door to open it.