I am really looking forward to getting to know each of your children as individuals and helping assist in their academic growth this year. Goal Setting in the classroom One Goal Challenge I am really looking forward to getting to know your children as individuals and helping them reach their full potential. Goal Setting in the classroom One Goal Challenge One School, One Goal
Procedures School starts at 8:00 a.m. Lunch at 11:00 followed by recess Dismissal at 2:30 p.m. We will have a snack every afternoon. Please refer to the snack list when choosing a healthy snack.
iPad Procedures Students will be responsible for charging their iPad at home each night and returning it to school the following day. Please be sure to review appropriate iPad usage and expectations with your child. We will be putting the “So Your Child Has a Device… Now What?” handbook in your child’s iBook app.
Classroom Expectations ROAR Behaviors R – be respectful O – be organized A – be accepting R – be responsible
Classroom Expectations Students start fresh everyday! Verbal Warning green = great behavior yellow = warning pink = minor
Rewards School wide quarterly rewards Paws Weekly class raffle extra recess
Curriculum Overview
Reading New Balanced Literacy Program this year: School Wide Readers’ Workshop: Mini-lesson Guided Reading 1:1 Conferences Independent reading Shared learing
Writing Follows same structure as reading Writers’ Workshop: Mini-lesson Independent writing Small group instruction Conferencing Partner time Share out
Spelling Words Their Way Word study emphasizing spelling patterns and syllable structures Individualized lists based on spelling skills
Math place value the four operations geometry fractions decimals measurement algebra Emphasis on explaining how students got the answer
Science Classification Plants Matter and Energy Forces and Motion Simple Machines
Social Studies Regions of the U.S. A study of Illinois and its past Understanding the U.S. Government
Homework Policy
When will your child have homework? Monday - Thursday night Should take approximately 40 minutes Assignments will rarely be given over the weekend.
Where can you find what they have for homework? First year using electronic assignment notebook Assignment notebook is located on the home screen of their iPads
Late Assignments Late assignments will be recorded on a yellow sheet and placed in their Take Home Folder. Please sign sheet, complete assignment, and send it back to school. School policy is that 3 late assignments in a quarter results in a minor.
Don’t like the grade they earned? Any homework/classwork assignment can be corrected for more credit. To receive this credit, students must make their corrections on a sheet of loose leaf and attach it to the assignment that they have corrected. This does not include tests and quizzes.
Weekly Folders Graded papers will be sent home in the Meadow Ridge folder every Friday. Please review the papers and choose papers to correct. Folders should be returned the following Monday signed.
Things you can do… Read with your child as often as you can Ask them questions about what they are reading at school Get them flashcards and find games to help them memorize multiplication facts Practice keyboarding skills at home Check assignment notebook icon Check their weekly folder and discuss
Communication Classroom news on website Friday Folders Questions? Call, , or send a note