Local Agency Programs An Overview Gonzalo Puente, PE Shaun Bates, PE Development Engineer Project Manager
Local Agency Programs (LAP) LAP is involved with projects selected by MPOs and RTFs. These projects are either federally or state funded. LAP is responsible for implementing all required state and federal requirements for the Urban, Rural, Bridge, Enhancement and Safety Programs.
Federal and State Requirements There are several requirements that shape our review and have an impact on the project timeline: Projects need to meet minimum design guidelines and must have their permits and ROW cleared before obligation of funds can take place. Federally funded projects must be evaluated for potential impacts to the environment in accordance to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Environmental Evaluation Your project is either a: CE (Categorical Exclusion) – minimal or no impact to the environment EA (Environmental Assessment) – unsure of the extent of impact. FONSI needed. EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) – Impacts are clear and significant. ROD needed.
MDOT/FHWA process Project is selected (planning phase) Design & environmental clearance (LAP) Project advertisement, let & award (LAP/Contracts Division) Construction phase (TSC) Billings to Finance Division (TSC) All projects are subject to audit. (Commission Audit)
GI meeting scheduled Grade Inspection meeting scheduled. Program ApplicationProgram Application Project limitsProject limits Type of work needs to match TIPType of work needs to match TIP 4R (Reconstruction) 3R (Resurface, Restoration, Rehab) PM (Preventive Maintenance) projects
MDOT LAP review of GI submittal GI meeting Draft proposal prepared by MDOT LAP GI comments addressedGI comments addressed All necessary permits and ROW obtainedAll necessary permits and ROW obtained Obligation request is turned in
What can hold up obligation request What can hold up obligation request ROW SHPO clearance DEQ, DNR and MDOT permits TIP issues: Project limits, scope, $s.
Project turn in for advertisement Project has been obligated Local Agency authorization to advertise project Contractor inquiries Once project has been let, then LAP turns project over to the TSC to oversee the construction phase
MDOT Web Site
Local Agency Programs