2 Peter 3:9.  There are 7 billion people in the world; many have never heard the gospel  The case of those who have never heard is a puzzling question.


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Presentation transcript:

2 Peter 3:9

 There are 7 billion people in the world; many have never heard the gospel  The case of those who have never heard is a puzzling question for many  How could an all-loving God send people to hell for never obeying the gospel, when they have never heard the gospel?

 What motivates this question? Curiosity? Seeking to understand the nature of God? A diversion?

 First, we must remember that God will always do right (Gen. 18:25)  Second, we must remember that God’s word settles the matter (Jn. 12:48), not our opinions (Jer. 10:23)

 John 3:16  1 Timothy 2:4  Titus 2:11  2 Peter 3:9

 Mt. 7:13-14  2 Thess. 1:8-9  Heb. 10:26

 His natural revelation (the world) has gone out into all the world (Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:18-20; 2:15)  His special revelation (the word) has gone out into all the world (Isa. 11:9; 52:10; 66:18-19; Hab. 2:14; Mt. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15; Acts 1:8; 2:5; Rom. 10:11ff; Col. 1:5-6, 23)

 First, the gospel was revealed in world-wide languages (Acts 2:5ff)  Second, the gospel was written in a world-wide language (Koine Greek)  Third, the gospel was later translated into Latin by Jerome; and today the gospel is translated into 100’s of languages

There are about 7000 languages in active use and at least one book of Scripture exists in almost 2,900 of these languages. At least 1.3 billion people do not have the full Bible available in their first language. Over 634 million of these have the New Testament; others have portions or at least some level of work begun. There is known active translation and/or linguistic development happening in 2,195 languages across more than 130 countries. Staff from organizations in the Alliance are involved in approximately 78% of these programs. As of October 1 st 2014, estimates suggest around 180 million people speaking at least 1,860 languages are understood to ‘likely need Bible Translation to begin’. /tabid/99/language/en-US/Default.aspx

 Fourth, the person ignorant of the gospel has a responsibility to seek (Mt. 7:7-11; Jn. 7:17; Acts 14:17; 17:27)  Fifth, we have examples of outsiders seeking and coming to God (Josh. 2:9; 2 K. 5:15ff; Jonah 3:5; Acts 10:1ff, 34-35)

 Sixth, we have a responsibility to take the gospel to the ignorant (Ezek. 33:6; Acts 8:4, 30-31)  Seventh, all people are lost because of sin (Rom. 3:23; 6:23)  Eighth, God is both loving (merciful) and just; he is no respecter of persons (Acts 17:30-31; Rom. 2:5-16)

 Ninth, Jesus shed his blood for everyone all over the world (Rev. 5:9)  Tenth, obedience to Jesus is the only way for anyone today to be saved (Jn. 1:29; 14:6; Acts 4:12)

 Many ask, “What about those who have never heard?” I ask, “What about you who has heard?”  This is the “What about John?” scenario (Jn. 21:21-22)  Get yourself right with God before asking hypotheticals about others!

 Hear the gospel (Acts 15:7; Rom. 1:16)  Believe that Jesus is the Son of God (Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:16; 8:24)  Repent of your sins (Acts 2:38; 3:19)  Confess that Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 8:37; Rom. 10:9-10)  Be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16)  Live faithfully (Tit. 2:11-12)