The Big Picture Teaching Reading Sourcebook 2nd edition For All Educators Working to Improve Reading Achievement.
The Reading Deficit The state of reading today National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Nation’s response to the Reading Deficit No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Reading First National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reports students at below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced levels of achievement. 4th grade 68% below basic 8th grade 70% below basic 12th grade 65% below basic Reading First: a key component of NCLB (grades K-3) that focuses on the use of SBRR (scientifically based reading research) for reading instruction. Gains were made across all socio-economic, racial/ethnic, and language ability subgroups.
The Brain and Reading Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) reveals that brain activation patterns of good readers and poor readers are different. Evidence-based reading instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics has been shown to assist poor readers to activate the areas of the brain used by good readers. Areas in the brain that are important for skilled reading include: parieto-temporal of the brain: slow, analytic decoding function occipito-temporal: rapid, automatic word identification Evidence-based reading instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics has been shown to: Change brain activity in struggling readers. Assist in the activation and use of the areas in the back of the brain (Shaywitz et al. 2004).
Scientific Approach to Reading Instruction How to recognize effective research Has the research been published in a peer-reviewed journal? Have the research results been replicated by other scientists? Is there a consensus within the research community? Scientifically based reading instruction is the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge relevant to reading development, instruction, and difficulties.
Essential Components of Reading Instruction Print awareness Letter knowledge Phonemic awareness Phonics Irregular word reading Multisyllabic word reading Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Reading Assessments Types of reading assessments Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Outcome Screening: Identifies students at risk and to determine a starting point for instruction. Progress Monitoring: Determine if students are making adequate progress. This type also includes Curriculum Embedded and General or External. Diagnostic: Pinpoints specific area of difficulty and provides in-depth information. Outcome: Is appropriate for all students at the end of a unit, a semester or a year, and provides evaluation of the effectiveness of program.
Comprehensive Assessment Plan Identify students at risk of reading difficulty or who need extra support or intervention Monitor student progress Collect assessment data to inform instruction Assess whether instruction is sufficient to ensure that all students meet grade level standards Monitor student progress To determine if at-risk students are making adequate progress and To identify any other students who are falling behind
Downward Spiral of Reading Failure Stumbling blocks to becoming a proficient reader “Matthew Effects” the “Fourth Grade Slump” Motivation and interest in reading Academic language Stumbling Blocks to Becoming a Proficient Reader Difficulty in learning to read words fluently Insufficient vocabulary, general knowledge, and reasoning skills Absence or loss of motivation to read or failure to appreciate the rewards of reading
Differentiated Instruction Instruction that supports the needs of all learners advanced, benchmark, strategic, intensive Adolescent struggling readers alliterate, functional illiterate, illiterate English Language Learners (ELLs) National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth Practical Guidelines for Education of ELLs Instruction that supports the needs of all learners advanced, benchmark, strategic, intensive Adolescent Struggling Readers alliterate, functional illiterate, illiterate English Language Learners (ELLs) Instruction of the essential components of reading Additional instruction in language development, vocabulary, and text comprehension Tapping into first language literacy can be used to facilitate literacy development in English