definitions Tax Charge levied by the gov. to meet public needs Levy To impose Revenue How much money you bring in Expenditure How much money you spend
Biggest Gov. Expenditures Federal Gov. ○ Social Security State Gov. ○ Education Local Gov. ○ Education
Types of Taxes Income tax Tax on earnings of an individual or business Where the Federal Gov. gets most of its revenue Progressive—the more $ you make, the more income tax you pay States may also levy an income tax
Social Insurance Taxes Pays for Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Taken directly out of your paycheck or paid by employer Regressive—everyone pays the same percentage
Excise Tax Tax on certain goods “sin tax” Cigarettes, alcohol, gas Indirect tax—company pays, then passes the cost onto the customer
Sales Tax Tax on goods you purchase Regressive State governments collect this ○ Where state governments get most of their tax revenue
Property Tax Tax on houses and land Sometimes cars, boats, motorcycles
Estate Tax Tax on the assets of a person’s estate when they die
Gift Tax Tax on money or property a living person gives to another Stops people from avoiding estate tax Can give up to $10,000 to certain people