Teddy Goes To South Africa Barnaby’s cousin Teddy went to South Africa on holiday for a month
Teddy travelled to Heathrow airport to catch a plane at 4 o’clock in the morning. The flight lasted for 12 hours. Teddy slept for some of the time.
Teddy looked out of the window on the plane and saw the Alps in Switzerland. The Alps are mountains.
The next day was very hot and Teddy was very tired so he relaxed by the pool.
Then Teddy travelled to a camp site to meet lots more friends. He slept in a tent. He enjoyed his breakfast
It was very hot so Teddy went on the water slide. Then he had to get dry.
Teddy watched the barbecue being cooked.
Then he had a go.
Next Teddy went to a farm in the Orange Free State. There are lots of farms in the Free state. This is what he saw on the way.
He also saw a giant ant hill. You can see thousands of ants crawling about. It takes then years to build a home like this. Ants are hard workers.
A tame meerkat came into the farm house to say good morning to Teddy.
Teddy saw lots of animals on the farm and enjoyed his ride on a horse.
Then Teddy set off on another long journey. It took 6 hours to get to the Eastern Cape.
Teddy saw a river on the way He also saw mountains.
He finally got there.
Queenstown is where Nelson Mandela was born.
In South Africa they call these houses ‘squatter’s camps’. If the people move they break their house down and build it somewhere else.
Teddy had a lovely time on the beach at the seaside.
He met lots of interesting people.
Teddy saw lots of interesting things.
Before he went home Teddy went to a South African school.
Teddy had a wonderful time in South Africa. He saw lots of different places and people and would love to return.