What Census 2011 says about Free State agricultural households Moses Mnyaka – Stats SA 11 October 2013
Background Develop a frame on agricultural households; Link the Census of Agriculture to Population Census; Three questions included in Population Census 2011;
Background (concl) 1.What type of agricultural activity, e.g. Livestock, crop, etc?; 2. Households that own livestock, what is the range, 1-10, and more than 100? and 3. What type of land is utilised?
2,7 million people
14 million households = 1 million households 2,8 million households reported agricultural activity
households households reported agricultural activity
General government services 13,7 Wholesale, retail & motor trade; catering & accommodation, 12,5 Manufacturing 15,0 Transport, storage & communication 9,0 Finance, real estate & business services 21,4 Construction, 3,0 Mining and quarrying 4,9 Electricity, gas and water 1,7 Agriculture, forestry & fishing 2,2 Personal services, 5,5 Contributions to GDP - Annual
13,5m Finance ,5% Manufacturing ,8% Private households ,1% Mining ,8% Utilities ,9% Trade ,5% Community / Social Services ,0% Construction ,0% 6,2% Transport Agriculture ,3% Community / Social Services and Trade were the largest employers 3m Employment by industry
Free State province is known as the hub of commercial farming. Where does small-scale farming stand and what role does it plays?
Distribution of households involved in agricultural activity Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Gender of the household head 48% 52% South Africa Northern Cape
Percentage of agricultural households heads by gender
The higher proportions of females involved in agriculture in the province is only drawn from two municipalities
Agriculture household heads with no schooling South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State No schooling 22,9% 21,9% 31,5% 7,3% 30,5% 21,8% 27,1% 12,9% 20,0% 5,4%
Highest number of agriculture household heads with no schooling Maluti a Phofung Mangaung 3 824
Agricultural household heads annual income
Distribution of agricultural household heads by annual income Limpopo South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Free State Northern Cape 32,6% 31,0% 25,4% 29,9% 31,7% 32,2% 26,4% 26,8% 17,2% No income 30,3%
Highest number of agricultural household heads with no income Maluti a Phofung Mangaung
Number of households vegetable production South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Vegetables South Africa
Number of households owning poultry Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Northern Cape Poultry South Africa
Number of households owning livestock South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Livestock
Number of households owning livestock in Eastern Cape Livestock Cattle Sheep Goats Pigs
Number of households owning cattle South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Cattle
Comparison of agricultural households with commercial cattle farmers Black African 4%
Number of households owning sheep South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Sheep Number of households owning sheep South Africa Sheep
Comparison of agricultural households with commercial sheep farmers Black African 4%
Number of households owning goats South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Goats
Number of households owning pigs South Africa Western Cape Gauteng Eastern Cape Northern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Mpumalanga North West Limpopo Free State Pigs
Comparison of agricultural households with commercial pig farmers Black African 4%
Conclusion Lack of funding on conducting a census of agricultural households production level; Data to be made available at local municipality level; and Strategy on Agricultural Statistics.
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