Peer to Peer Streaming Protocol (PPSP) BOF Gonzalo Camarillo Ericsson Yunfei Zhang China Mobile IETF76, Hiroshima, Japan 13:00~15:00 THURSDAY, Nov 12, 2009
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Agenda Introduction and agenda bash (Chairs,10mins) Problem statement (Richard Alimi, 25mins) draft-zhang-ppsp-problem-statement-05 Survey of existing systems (Ning Zong,15mins) draft-gu-ppsp-survey-01 Tracker VS DHT comparison (15mins) draft-chen-ppsp-dht-chunk-discovery-evaluation-00 (Feng Cao) draft-hu-ppsp-tracker-dht-performance-comparison-01 (Jan Seedorf) Requirements (Ning Zong,20mins) Discussions (All,35mins)
Charter of PPSP(1) The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Streaming Protocol working group (PPSP WG) is chartered to develop standard signaling protocols (called PPSP protocols) for multiple types of entities (e.g. intelligent endpoints, caches, content distribution network nodes, and/or other edge devices) to participate in P2P streaming systems in both fixed and mobile Internet. PPSP protocols include the PPSP tracker protocol – a signaling protocol between “PPSP trackers” and “PPSP peers”, and the PPSP peer protocol – a signaling protocol among “PPSP peers”. A PPSP tracker maintains lists of participating PPSP peers, each for a specific channel or streaming file, and answers the queries from PPSP peers for candidate PPSP peers. PPSP peers inform their status information to PPSP trackers, exchange their chunk availability with other PPSP peers and/or PPSP trackers, and ask other PPSP peers for wanted data.
Charter of PPSP(2) This WG's primary tasks are to produce: 1. A “problem statement” document describing the problems, incentives, and scope of developing the PPSP protocols, as well as common terminologies and concepts. 2. A “requirements” document listing the requirements on the designed PPSP protocols (e.g., general functionality and performance requirements of PPSP protocols or basic types of information that PPSP protocols should communicate to facilitate P2P streaming). 3. An "architectural survey" document explaining the current P2P streaming architectures, in particular tracker-based P2P streaming, and key issues in best practice. 4. A proposed standard defining the PPSP peer protocol. This protocol will define how PPSP peers advertise chunk availability. The protocol will also define the requests and responses of chunks among PPSP peers. 5. A proposed standard defining the PPSP tracker protocol. This protocol will define how PPSP peers inform and request information from PPSP trackers and how PPSP trackers reply to the requests. 6. A “usage document” explaining how the protocols defined above, along with existing IETF protocols, such as RELAOD, ALTO and RTSP, can inter- operate; and how they may be integrated together to produce complete P2P streaming systems. 7. Optionally a ”mobile usage document” (PPSP mobile BCP document) to evaluate PPSP with and without Mobile IP support when there are a lot of mobile peers in the system.
Charter of PPSP(3) The work planned for the PPSP WG is distinct from, but requires close participation with, work in other IETF WGs, particularly P2PSIP, ALTO and MMUSIC. The PPSP WG assumes that it cannot modify baseline P2PSIP, ALTO, and MMUSIC behaviors. If PPSP determines that extensions to P2PSIP, ALTO, MMUSIC are needed, PPSP will seek to define such extensions and present to the respective working groups. The design of PPSP has to consider security/privacy issues. The protocol document will contain a complete description of the security/privacy issues that PPSP should address. The following topics are excluded from this WG's scope: 1. Transport mechanisms for data transmission among PPSP peers, e.g. using TCP or UDP, unicast or multicast, etc. 2. Network coding mechanisms in P2P streaming. Network coding may be used in P2P streaming, but its support is beyond the scope of current charter. 3. Play-out mechanisms including streaming control (e.g., pause, fast- forward, and rewind). 4. Algorithms that may be different in different deployments (e.g., chunk selection, local storage strategies). 5. Research type questions related to P2P streaming. This WG will instead forward such questions to the IRTF P2PRG or other RG as appropriate. Examples include cache management.
Charter of PPSP(4) Goals and Milestones: Apr 2010 Working Group Last Call for problem statement Jun 2010 Submit problem statement to IESG as Informational document Aug 2010 Working Group Last Call for architecture survey Aug 2010 Working Group Last Call for requirements Oct 2010 Submit architecture survey to IESG as Informational document Oct 2010 Submit requirements to IESG as Informational document Apr 2011 Working Group Last Call for PPSP peer protocol Apr 2011 Working Group Last Call for PPSP tracker protocol Aug 2011 Submit PPSP peer protocol to IESG as Proposed Standard Aug 2011 Submit PPSP tracker protocol to IESG as Proposed Standard Nov 2011 Working Group Last Call of usage document Nov 2011 Working Group Last Call of mobility BCP document Jan 2012 Submit usage document to IESG as Informational document Jan 2012 Submit mobility BCP document to IESG as Informational document Apr 2012 Dissolve or re-charter