21 st Century Leadership Institute Workshop 1
Icebreaker Share your name and school Imagine you have been awarded the title of School Leader of the Year by the UNESCO. – Explain why you have been given this award. Use your imagination and be creative. – What 3 pieces of advice would you give to aspiring school leaders?
Institute Vision To develop a group of visionary school leaders within RAK that become leaders in using ICT for: – Organizational leadership – Teaching and learning – Communication
Topics: ICT best practices and standards (ISTE NETS) Case studies of model schools ICT vision and plan Effective ICT leadership teams Supporting teachers, students and parents with ICT Social networks, website, survey, & collaboration tools Creating a school website Sharing our own expertise
Agenda Icebreaker Institute Introduction 21 st Century School ISTE NETS*A Case Study ICT Scenarios ICT Teacher Surveys with Google Forms Homework / Q & A / Feedback survey
21 st Century School Draw a picture of a model 21 st century school
ISTE NETS*A Visionary Leadership Digital Age Culture Excellence in Professional Practice Systematic Improvement Digital Citizenship
Case Study
ICT Scenarios Can do right now Can do with some changes Not appropriate for my school
Teacher ICT Surveys What makes an effective survey? Let’s brainstorm a list of the types of survey questions one can ask (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, etc.). What questions should we ask to better understand teacher attitudes towards and use of technology for teaching and learning? Let’s brainstorm a list of potential survey questions.
Remainder of workshop… Google Forms Homework Q+A Feedback Survey Thank you!