Guilty Smooching Wyatt Allen, Korryn Luker, Fallon Peterson
The purpose of this survey was to find out if girls are willing to kiss a guy out of guilt. Question: Is guilt a good enough reason to kiss a guy? (average Joe)
Sampling Procedure Population: All girl students at Juab High School. Method: Stratified Random Sampling – We got a list of all the girls from each grade in the school. – Then we numbered each individual womanlady. – We then used random integer generator on the calculator to get twelve random numbers from each grade. – Next we matched the numbers with the names of each chick. – Finally we found each girl and asked them the question in person and recorded their responses.
Survey Artifact Bias: We randomly assigned Wyatt 50% of the womanladies. We wanted to we wanted to see if having a boy ask the question changed their responses. Unbiased: Fallon and Korryn asked the other 50% to get the unbiased information. (Wyatt claims he did more of the work) (when in all reality Fallon did 85% of the work.)
Challenges Finding each chica was the hardest part. Especially since a lot of the seniors didn’t have class. (for Wyatt) we did the SRS wrong. We got 12 girls from each grade instead of getting the right percent of each grade. There is a different amount of mademoiselles in each grade. The chica’s always asked questions like “how attractive is this young male” or “do I really like this person” and we would respond “ATF (reaking) Q” …Please!!!!
Analyze When Wyatt Daniel asked the question the chica’s were more likely (66% vs. 42%) to answer yes. The young ladies that Wyatt asked said yes ALMOST twice as often as when the F&K asked.
Dearest Sexy Spencer, We know this was probably the best presentation you have EVER seen. So its alright if you give us like 500 extra credit points you big hunk of burnin’ love;) Mr. Spencer’s SEXY abs
Mr. Sexy Orson Mike Spencer