Differences in $/Mi between a regular car and an electric car Miles $/Mi used by a regular car$/Mi used by a electric car $/mile0.03 $/mile $/mile0.30 $/mile $/mile0.60 $/mile $/mile1.80 $/mile $/mile 1.20 $/mile $/mile3.00 $/mile $/mile3.60 $/mile $/mile4.20$/mile $/mile6.00 $/mile
Monetary difference between a regular gas car and our electric car
Renewable Energy kind of generator wattsHp Wind generator Solar panel Generator Total The price of fossil fuel is increasing and the change climate also is increase, it make humans to focus the attention I new resources and the best option is Renewable is-important/
Amount of energy Produced
Power Generated by Solar Cells, wind and generator, To power this car you need 100 Hp (horse power)energy that came directly from you house but here is the awesome part, the old electric car use 100% energy from your home but this new car is going to use just 50% of electricity from your home because it is self-sufficient it produce almost 55% of energy. To full your car you will need $16 it means $0.3 cents per mile. The price of fossil fuel is increasing and the change climate also is increase, it make humans to focus the attention I new resources and the best option is renewable energies,that is why we create this car VarGar to save more energy. This care create a considerable percent of energy, it means that it is self-sufficient, the electricity that this car produce is going to be used when the amount of electricity charged in your home started decreasing.