Gas Distribution Access Rule (GDAR) Electronic Business Transactions (EBT) Standards Kick-off Meeting June 9, 2005
OEB Direction File draft standard form of Service Agreement by July 8/05 File a proposed EBT Standards Appendix by September 6/05 In each case, 30 days to comment Use retail electricity as a model (“mirror”) Subject to: No conflict with GDAR Applicability to the natural gas market Enough detail to allow for competition and maximum choice of supplier
OEB Staff Plan Overview Two main activities Service Agreements – Alison Cazalet EBT Standards – Barb Robertson Overall coordination – Russ Houldin Service Agreements Draft released June 3 Ad-hoc meetings to clarify comments EBT Standards Intensive Work group meetings Straw Man available for June 20
GDAR TIMELINE SERVICE AGREEMENT(SA) EBT STANDARDS July 8 Draft SA June 3 Sept 6 Comment deadline June 10 Kickoff meeting June 9 Draft Standards text June 20 Final Draft Standards text (& Protocol) Aug 19 Draft Transport protocol July 1 meetings Comment period File SA File Standards Meetings as necessary meetings
GDAR EBT Standards Logistics Participation Lead representatives specialists Group structure – need for subgroups Transport protocol, ad-hoc Meetings schedule – Straw Man Continuing need for Work Group Meetings conduct Focus on working Standards document Minutes, issues-list, etc. TBD
GDAR EBT Standards – Meetings “Straw Man” MONTUESWEDTHURSFRI A.M. Review & preparation A.M. Meeting A.M. Ad-hoc meetings as necessary A.M. P.M. Review & preparation P.M. Meeting P.M. Meeting P.M. Ad-hoc meetings as necessary P.M. Discussion documents circulated
GDAR KICKOFF KEY POINTS Staff instructed to file SAs and EBT Standards Looking to the gas industry to file best possible documents Everyone will have to “live with” the results Looking to advice from electricity industry to leverage a system that works suitably modified for the natural gas industry Both types of expertise are essential GDAR is incomplete in places (e.g. billing) Electricity model to be the basis to fill in the gaps Respecting existing practices Need for a continuing role for the Work Group Implementation