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Introduction Watch the Quick Start video from Inspiration’s website for an overview of the program.Quick Start video
What is Inspiration? A tool that allows students and teachers to plan, research and complete projects successfully. Has integrated Diagram and Outline Views Create graphic organizers and expand topics into writing Allows students to learn in multiple modes
Why Should I Use Inspiration? General chart/diagram to help students plan out their writing Provide assistance for special needs populations Differentiate instruction in your classroom w/graphic organizers (add audio, video, written notes) Integrating technology also helps us meet the MD student and teacher tech standards
Discuss What will “work” with this program right away? What issues could this program present? What intimidates you about using the program with your students?
Pros and Cons of Using Concept Mapping Software PROS Help students brainstorm ideas during writing process Differentiate instruction Quickly convert diagrammed ideas to outline and back Use for remediation w/SPED, ESL and LARI students Starter web pages, notes area help produce a published file in a different format CONS Each student needs a computer to use for the activity- COW or PC lab Adds extra time to a project you’re working on Can it be used in place of the formal writing process? Students mostly use informal language skills while brainstorming Time spent teaching class how to use the program